Check out Tucker Carlson's interview with our Founder and CEO, Ned Ryun, tonight on Fox Nation and on Tucker Carlson Tonight!

Join us in watching them discuss Ned's latest book, The Adversaries. Order yours below!

Tune in at 8pm ET to watch a clip of the interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight, or watch the full interview at Fox Nation on Tucker Carlson Today!
Go For The Heart (Messaging)
July 8th | 7:00pm-8:00pm ET
20098 Ashbrook Place, Suite 150

“[We] need to stop talking like accountants and administrators and start speaking to the voters’ hearts.” (author David Horowitz)

Learn why intellectual analysis fails to work against the moral arguments, and how to start looking at defending our positions from a moral and emotion-filled standpoint.  

American Majority will show you how to go for the heart to reach and connect with voters.

Pre-register for this FREE training, as seating is limited.


July 9th | 2:00pm-3:00pm ET

Do you have a message to share, but don’t know how to spread the word? You aren’t alone.

Social media plays an increasingly vital role in culture today. We have a unique opportunity to reach larger audiences in a way we never could in years past. From Facebook and Twitter, to Parler and Mewe there is a social media platform for everyone. 

It can be hard to figure out how to share your message on social media and navigate the complexities of sharing your beliefs online. In this training, we will break down the best practices for being effective on the top social media platforms as well as what new platforms are available. 


Don't see a training near you? Request one HERE

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American Majority Inc. P.O. Box 87 Purcellville, VA 20134 
Phone: (540) 338-1251
Email:[email protected]

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