Last night, a white nationalist funded by a billionaire family who also funded Steve Bannon, Breitbart News, and the Jan 6th insurrection, announced his campaign for U.S. Senate in Ohio. His name is J.D. Vance.

John, we cannot afford another fringe right-wing senator in Washington. Especially not when Republican Sen. Rob Portman's retirement means that in 2022, Democrats have the best chance in years to flip this red senate seat blue and expand our senate majority.

Will you pledge to never, never, ever support or vote for J.D. Vance -- and join us in fighting to take back Ohio? Let me know here. Then, forward this to others and ask them to pledge too.

You may have heard J.D. Vance's name from his best-selling book and Netflix movie "Hillbilly Elegy" about a struggling Appalachian family in Ohio. While some critics panned the story for "perpetuating stereotypes about the poor" and called it "poverty porn," it made him tens of millions of dollars and got him famous.

But the danger J.D. Vance poses doesn't come from his storytelling -- it comes from who wants him in the Senate and why they want him there.

Forbes reports: "Billionaire Peter Thiel and the Mercer family have donated millions to a PAC supporting author J.D. Vance’s Senate campaign."

Theil and the Mercers are not a couple innocent billionaires on a lark. The billionaire Mercer family that wants J.D. Vance in the Senate is the same family that funded Steve Bannon and Breitbart News -- and Mercer money has also been tied to the deadly January 6 insurrection. Along with Theil, they spent tens of millions of dollars to elect Trump.

J.D. Vance has a history of remarks and comments on Twitter that Salon describes as "dog whistles for white nationalism and misogyny," and that "echo the ideology of white supremacists."

MSNBC reports that J.D. Vance called universal child care an "assault on the working poor." That’s insane. Universal child care is a necessity that can lift families out of poverty.

Fox News gleefully reports that J.D. Vance calls "the systemic racism conversation" a "distraction." That’s also insane. Systemic racism is at the core of some of our nation's most damaging and intractable problems.

So I urge you: Will you pledge to never support or vote for J.D. Vance? Click here to let me know, and then please forward this email to others.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Morgan Harper, Community Organizer in Columbus OH, former U.S. Congressional Candidate for OH-3 and Consumer Protection Attorney at the CFPB

P.S. Here's a selfie J.D. Vance sent out this week. Yes, he's a Trump supporter. (Make your pledge here.)






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