Dear John

We need your help. Write to your MP to seek solutions to the impact of Covid-19 on household debt.

The UK may be gradually returning to normal, but for many in the UK, the end of restrictions will not mean the end of the fallout from Covid-19. As you know, millions of families have been weighed down by household debts incurred as a result of the pandemic, with low-income households and those with children hit the hardest.

Debt advice charity StepChange estimate that 11 million people have built up £25 billion of arrears and debt since the start of the pandemic. We must all move forward from the impacts of Covid-19 together, and that means addressing the weight of debt which is holding whole communities back.

What can I do?

Church Action on Poverty is part of the Reset The Debt campaign, which has been working hard with MPs to secure a debate on the impact of Covid-19 on household debt. We’re pleased to say that MPs will be given the chance to gather in parliament to debate the issue on 8 July at 1:30pm. The debate will give MPs the chance to seek a comprehensive roadmap out of debt for those currently facing its legacy of long-term problems, to acknowledge the full scale of the problem and to recognise the particular suffering caused by Covid-related debt.

Make sure your MP is there

It’s really important that the debate is attended by as many MPs as possible, so that it has maximum impact. It’s also important that MPs from across the political spectrum come to participate in the debate.

We need your help to make sure that the debate is packed out, energetic, and solution-orientated. Could you get in touch with your MP to ask them to attend the debate? We’ve made it really easy to send an email using our template.

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty