Charlemagne Institute is dedicated to waging the battle for heartland conservatism. Indeed, we seek to defend the preservation of American values and traditions.
Preserving Our Independence
Charlemagne Institute is dedicated to waging the battle for heartland conservatism. Indeed, we seek to defend the preservation of American values and traditions.
In light of this imperative, we willingly and regularly take aim against the dispiriting dominance of media—Big Tech and Woke Corporations—and against the deep-state denizens who would rule over us. Our objective is to assert the primacy of our traditions and to restore the integrity (and freedoms) of our political systems.
Protecting Our Liberties
A recent editorial I saw in conservative media put forth the argument that the Republican Party should re-brand itself as the party for ‘personal freedom.’ The editorial voices an idea that is interesting...but, at the same time, deeply disconcerting.
What’s distressing is that the mere suggestion of a re-branding effort reflects how much territory (or liberty) has already been ceded to the left. As well, the editorial stands as a harbinger for all that remains at risk to us…and to the enduring integrity of our republic.
Indeed, we are all aware of the array of challenges to first and second amendment rights, which are raised opportunistically and reflexively by the left as much as circumstances allow.
Less obvious a threat is how incessant progressive bullying on such issues as election integrity and judicial independence, among others, also impinge upon the nation and threaten our freedoms. To the point our constitutional liberties are under siege.
Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, however passionate your politics, what’s clear is that all of our personal liberties are at risk of being lost. We must fight back! Together!
Freedom is Worth Fighting For
As a publisher of two decidedly conservative magazines, Charlemagne Institute fosters rigorous debate on issues of politics, culture, history, family, education. In service to our mission, Chronicles and Intellectual Takeout advance persuasive argument for an American restoration.
If you share our values, stand with us!
Devin C. Foley CEO, Charlemagne Institute
P.S. If you are not yet a member of Charlemagne Institute, please consider joining us. An essential membership is $5 per month or $60 for the year and includes a complimentary 12-month print subscription to Chronicles magazine. We hope you join us in the fight for our country and the principles and traditions that made her great!
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (952) 388–0840.
Image credit: detail from Storming a Redoubt at Yorktown, the capture of Redoubt 10 by American forces at the Battle of Yorktown, October 14, 1781 by Eugene Lami, oil on canvas, 1840 (The Granger Collection)