Lt. Gov Dan Patrick


As Americans and as Texans, we treasure our right to free speech, which is why I made protecting free speech on social media a priority this session. We passed the Protect Free Speech on Social Media Bill to strengthen free speech rights for every Texan.

But this fight isn't over. Help me keep fighting for our inalienable rights. Donate now.

Social media serves as the present-day town square where individuals should be allowed to share their ideas, regardless of their message or ideology. It is no secret that social media and big tech giants have had their target set on the backs of Conservatives.

In Texas, this ends NOW. I have refused to stand by idly as more and more Texans are punished for exercising their God-given right of free speech. Viewpoint discrimination will not be allowed by any business in our state and this bill will make sure it is not tolerated.

Big tech oligarchs have no right telling Texans what their opinions should and shouldn't be. I am proud that we have taken this step forward in the fight against big tech and will continue to protect our constitutional rights.

I will always defend Texans' right of free speech. Join me in defense of our freedoms. Donate today.

God Bless You and God Bless Texas,

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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