We’ve got some great news for you! Check it out.

Good news: No one else in the history of American politics has as many contributions from as many donors this early in a presidential campaign. You’ve set the record! You should be very proud — Bernie is.

Better news: We are very close to the number of contributions we had to start last month, even though our average contribution is down a few bucks ($14). That’s really amazing to be keeping pace!

If enough Bernie supporters chip in right now, we can get an even better start to start this month — and then we’ll really stun the establishment before Tuesday’s debate!

Keep up our incredible momentum before Bernie’s debate on Tuesday by making your first $2.70 contribution right now.

Our campaign is funded by the working class. We’re 100% grassroots-powered — no high-dollar fundraisers, ever.

THAT is how we are going to take on Donald Trump. THAT is how we’re going to transform our country. Millions of us, coming together, chipping in a few bucks at a time when we can afford to. THAT is how we’ll win.

Let’s keep it going! Add your first $2.70 contribution now.

Thank you for all you do for Bernie and our campaign.

As long as we continue standing together, we're gonna win.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager