Friend -- The attorney general is fighting to end the only GOP path to victory: Voter suppression.
Photo alt-text: CNN screenshot of Merrick Garland with the text: "JUSTICE DEPT. SUES GEORGIA OVER VOTING RESTRICTIONS"
Source: CNN
Merrick Garland is fighting back, and it's no surprise that Republicans are trying to take him down.
Donald Trump, Georgia governor Brian Kemp, and the rest of the vote-suppressing GOP are deploying the same tactics they've used for years whenever their illegal actions are called out: They're waging an all-out smear campaign in the press. And their new target is Merrick Garland. Do you think we should help him fight back?
Merrick Garland can't defend himself publicly without violating ethics rules. That's why it's absolutely crucial that we wage our own campaign to fight back against the GOP's attacks on Garland. So please, we need to know:
Will you have Merrick Garland's back as he fights to protect the right to vote?
Thank you so much for standing with us as we fight back against GOP smear attacks. With your help, they won't be able to keep spinning their voter suppression campaign.
- When Democrats Turn Out

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