We have a number of events for patriotic Texans to be involved with this week!

Help us #KeepTexasRed this November by participating in our Voter Registration event during the National Weekend of Action. 

Email us for events in North TX  |  Email us for events in West TX  |  Email us for events in East TX  |  Email us for events in South TX  |  Email us for events in Central TX

Chairman Allen West announced a Push-Up Challenge this week!

Film yourself doing push-ups, donate, and/or watch the livestream online! Click the picture below to watch the launch! Donate here

Chairman West doing push-ups

Freedom Isn't Free 

Celebrate our nation's independence with an outdoor barbeque, and speeches by special guests, Rep. Louie Gohmert and Chairman Allen West!

Link to RSVP Online

We hope to see you there!

Link to RSVP Online

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