
The Supreme Court just issued a ruling on a major voting rights case – and grievously, as expected, the Court’s right-wing majority ruled to further gut the Voting Rights Act and uphold state laws that make it more difficult to vote.

As Justice Kagan notes in her incisive dissent, this is a “tragic” decision – tragic in that “the Court has (yet again) rewritten – in order to weaken – a statute that stands as a monument to America’s greatness, and protects against its basest impulses."

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) was designed to prevent racial discrimination in voting laws and ensure all Americans can participate in our democracy. Today’s disastrous ruling doesn’t just critically weaken the VRA – it gives a green light to Republican-led state legislatures across the country to continue their assault on voting rights and pass even more legislation making it harder to vote.

In the wake of today’s disastrous ruling, it’s clearer than ever that Congress must pass sweeping new legislation to strengthen voting rights. But the only way we can succeed is by eliminating the filibuster so that these bills can pass with a simple-majority vote – and it will take nothing short of a groundswell of grassroots action to make that happen.

Friend, supporters like you have stepped up many times before. You’ve urged the Senate to pass the For the People Act to protect voting rights. You’ve spoken out against the filibuster. But moments like this demand we keep speaking out until our democracy is protected.

In the wake of this adverse ruling, I’m counting on 1,000 members of this grassroots team to sign my new petition urging the Senate to abolish the filibuster and restore the VRA. Can I count on you to add your name before our midnight deadline?

Sign on now to tell the Senate to end the filibuster to protect voting rights and our democracy!

You have my word that I will fight my absolute hardest to ensure the filibuster is a thing of the past. But this is a fight that can only be won together – with unprecedented grassroots action. I appreciate you doing your part.


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