First of all I want to thank you for helping us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal last night. Our campaign is funded by people power -- and your contribution directly supports the work we do together to keep this Maryland Senate seat BLUE and protect our Senate majority.

We have a long way to go to protect our democracy and continue making progress for the American people. And winning the 2022 midterm elections will be critical to our ability to achieve our objectives.

You probably heard that yesterday House Democrats, along with just two Republican members, voted to create a bipartisan select committee in the House of Representatives to formally investigate the attack on our democracy on January 6.

The House decided to take this separate action after Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans to filibuster the creation of a Bipartisan Commission to investigate the Capitol attack.

Mitch McConnell is determined to bury the truth. We cannot allow him to succeed.

I am hopeful that this House select committee will help unmask the Big Lie and deliver the truth to the American people about exactly why and how our democracy was violently attacked by Trump-inspired insurrectionists.

We are not in this alone. The principles of democracy and the rule of law are under attack around the world. Empowering people to be more engaged in determining their future is the only way to protect our democracy and freedom in these trying times and in the long term.

I am honored to fight alongside you to protect our democracy, ensure access to the ballot box, and, together, build a better future for all.




Chris is leading efforts in the Senate to strengthen our democracy, get secret money out of our elections, and advance social justice and racial equity. Grassroots supporters like you help our campaign make the investments it will take to re-elect Chris in 2022 and protect our Democratic Senate majority.