MEDIA CONTACTS: Dan Tierney: 614-644-0957 Jill Del Greco: 614-420-6954
Bipartisan State Budget Invests in Ohio's Future and Cuts Taxes
 (COLUMBUS, Ohio)?Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today discussed new priority initiatives that will invest in Ohio's future with support from Ohio's 2022-2023 operating budget.?
Ohio's operating budget bill, Am. Sub. House Bill 110, includes $2 billion in tax cuts for all Ohioans over the next two years and supports the priorities of the DeWine-Husted Administration by launching?a strategic effort to invest more than $1 billion toward accelerating economic growth and ensuring economic vitality in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"At the start of the pandemic, we made tough choices. We cut spending and froze hiring. We did what we had to do. Ohioans are resilient, tough, and strong. The fact that we now have this budget that invests in the future is thanks to what we all did as Ohioans early on," said Governor DeWine.?"The goal we all share is that every child who grows up in Ohio will have the opportunity to realize their own American dream, and this budget reaffirms that goal.?Our new operating budget?builds on the budget we launched two years ago and takes it to a higher level. This is a strong budget that invests in our people and is focused on our future."
VIDEO: Governor DeWine Signs Ohio's Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 Budget Bill
Ohio's new operating budget bill passed in the Ohio General Assembly with bipartisan support.
?This is a balanced budget, it invests in kids, education, job training, infrastructure, our police and public safety, and we still have enough of a surplus to provide a tax cut for the people of Ohio," said Lt. Governor Husted. "With the passage of this budget, it provides new momentum as?Ohio emerges as the go-to state in the Midwest for people to live, work, invest, and play.?
The new operating budget invests in growing a skilled workforce, expanding access to affordable childcare, addressing substance use disorders, supporting citizen mental health and wellbeing, expanding access to broadband, enhancing K-12 learning, expanding priority health programs, supporting local government, and aiding in public safety.?
Learn more about the DeWine-Husted Administration's priority initiatives:?
Investing in Ohio's Future: Thriving Economy Investing in Ohio's Future: Healthy People Investing in Ohio's Future: Renewed Communities
The Ohio Office of Budget Management (OBM) closed Fiscal Year 2021 with tax revenues $1.5 billion over the yearly estimate led by both categories of the state sales tax.?
"This strong rebound from one year ago is the direct result of Governor DeWine's conservative decisions," said OBM Director Kim Murnieks. "It is clear that Ohio?s strong measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic head-on from a health and a budget standpoint worked."
A recording of today's press conference is available at?