RSVP for Our Next Virtual Event!

We're excited to invite you to join us for our next virtual event, a presentation with Kristen Patterson of Project Drawdown. Project Drawdown’s new initiative, Drawdown Lift, studies and communicates holistic ways to tackle climate change, public health, and poverty in low and middle-income countries. During her presentation, Kristen will delve into the important roles of poverty alleviation and equity in health and education as climate solutions.
Kristen joined Project Drawdown in January 2021 as the Director of Drawdown Lift. Kristen’s service as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Niger deeply influenced her career, which has focused on the nexus of community development, public health, and environmental conservation. Kristen holds an MPH from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, an MS in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development and a Certificate in African Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a BA from Colby College.
World Population Day Is July 11th
Established by the United Nations in 1989, World Population Day seeks to increase global awareness and education regarding population issues—including family planning, maternal and child health, gender equality, and human rights—around the world. Rapid population growth poses immense challenges to poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and women’s health and empowerment. As we approach the 8 billion milestone (the UN projects we’ll get there in 2023), we must invest in fully funding family planning for everyone around the world who wants it.
This year's World Population Day observance is particularly focused on prioritizing the reproductive health and rights of all people in the face of challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Learn more about World Population Day on our website.
Nine Population-related Summer Activities for Kids
Due to Covid-19 and the switch to distance learning, many parents took on the role of homeschool teacher. To help lighten the load on parents, PopEd's staff put together a list of activities that children and teenagers could do on their own while at home over the summer. Restrictions are easing this year, but these activities are still a great way to keep kids busy at home! Some of these projects send children outside, some tap into their creative writing or performance tendencies, some utilize technology, and others are 100% tech free.
In Case You Missed It... 
If you haven’t checked our website lately, you may have missed a number of new blog posts written by Population Connection staff! Here is a sampling of posts published this month: