Freedom House invites you to the following virtual event:
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
12:00 p.m. ET
via Zoom

Join Michael Isikoff, Lina Alhathloul, and Nate Schenkkan, in a conversation moderated by the BBC’s Kim Ghattas.
The panelists will discuss an eight-part series that will have just concluded on Conspiracyland. Entitled, "The Secret Lives and Brutal Death of Jamal Khashoggi," the series investigates the grisly state-sponsored assassination of Saudi Arabia's most prominent journalist after he dared to criticize the country's powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS.
They’ll discuss the Khashoggi murder as an example of the growing threat of “transnational repression,” when repressive governments reach across borders, often into democracies, to silence dissent from citizens and journalists who have fled the country. Register now.
Michael Isikoff,
Chief Investigative Correspondent for Yahoo! News and host of the Conspiracyland Podcast
Lina Alhathloul,
“Proud Sister of Loujain Alhathloul,” a Saudi women's rights activist and former political prisoner who was kidnapped by the Saudi government from the UAE
Nate Schenkkan,
Director of Research Strategy at Freedom House
In the meantime, check out Michael Isikoff's podcast series on the Khashoggi murder, Conspiracyland.

Read Freedom House's detailed report, Out of Sight, Not Out of Reach: Understanding Transnational Repression, now.
