
Heatwaves are shattering all-time highs across the Pacific Northwest including Portland, Oregon which hit 116°F on Monday.

This extreme heat is causing cables to melt, roads to buckle and has tragically led to a surge of hospitalizations and deaths.

Extreme weather events like this are becoming increasingly common as we continue to pump more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere with no end in sight.

What’s so incredibly frustrating about seeing this unfold is that we have an opportunity right now to pass an infrastructure bill that places its central focus on combating climate change while creating millions of jobs for working people. That's what Joe Biden's American Jobs Plan proposal does, but that's not what the so-called bipartisan compromise deal does. Climate was all but cut out of the bipartisan compromise.

Here's the thing, we can still pass the compromise if those 10 Republican votes stick with it (we'll see), but we can't give up on the climate. Senate Democrats can offer a second bill using the reconciliation process that bypasses the filibuster and only needs democratic votes to pass.  We must make sure that real action on climate is restored in reconciliation.

Please add your name as we demand that Biden and Senate Democrats use budget reconciliation to put forward an infrastructure bill that takes combating climate change seriously.

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Reconciliation, which was established in the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, allows Senate Democrats to deliver a climate-focused infrastructure bill to President Biden without the need for Republican support.

But right now, President Biden and Senate leadership are focused on a “bipartisan approach”, which really just means settling for a watered-down infrastructure bill that will only pass with the backing of fossil-fuel funded Republicans that do not care to address the climate crisis.

The bottom line is that a reconciliation bill can substantially improve the lives of working families and combat climate change if Biden and Senate Democrats want to fight for it.

Stand with DFA as we tell Senate Democrats and President Biden that they must be bold and use their power to pass a climate-focused infrastructure bill now through budget reconciliation.

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Thank you for taking action. Together we will help create millions of union jobs, all while modernizing our power grid, rebuilding our communities, and combating climate change.

— Tre

Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America