Hi John,

Summer is a time for picnics, parades, grilling out, playing in sprinklers, and visiting with friends and family. 

But, this summer, we are experiencing record-high rates of gun violence, and many people do not feel safe being outdoors.

Through education and advocacy, we are working tirelessly to help make Wisconsin safer this summer by demanding policies and practices that research has proven to prevent gun violence, injuries, and deaths.

>>Click here to support our work by contributing to our campaign for a safer summer.

As many of us gather for the 4th of July, it's a good time to remind ourselves that there’s nothing more antithetical to patriotism, when you get down to it, than watching and doing nothing as fellow Americans are gunned down in their own communities.

True liberty, true freedom, is the ability to forge your own fate. It’s the right to a safe community. It's the right to sit on your porch without fearing for your own security...to send your kids off to a summer program without wondering if they’ll make it back...to go to the park without gambling your life on whether the stranger with the AR-15 is an open-carry activist or the next mass shooter.

The America you and I believe in is better than that. And Independence Day is the perfect time to show it. 

Your donation will go directly into our drive to fix our broken gun laws, to ramp up neighborhood-level interventions and investments, and, ultimately, to save lives. What I'm saying is your gift will help us create a safer Wisconsin -- one we all desire and deserve.

For freedom,


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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