Now we can begin rebuilding New York City for all.
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New York City’s budget was voted on and passed yesterday, and it’s clear that the needs of immigrants and essential workers have been prioritized. The budget for New York City has never been more important, as our city begins the long process of rebuilding in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. While immigrant communities continue to need additional funding and support, this budget makes significant progress toward a more equitable New York.
After the last year and a half, in which thousands of small businesses were permanently closed and over 30,000 people lost their lives, we must begin imagining a post-pandemic New York City that protects all people, especially those who have contributed so much.
Centering the needs of immigrants and essential workers is integral to rebuilding New York City. This budget supports New Yorkers by:
* Investing in immigration legal services
* Ensuring access to healthcare for immigrant communities
* Doubling down on critical adult literacy providers
After pushing for a budget that recognized immigrants as essential to New York City’s recovery, it’s evident that many of our demands were heard, but much more remains to be done. Immigrant New Yorkers also need a reallocation of resources from a criminal legal system that targets far too many Black and brown New Yorkers towards critical issues like addressing the immense learning loss of English Language Learners. As we continue to advocate for immigrant New Yorkers, please consider supporting our work by donating today ([link removed]) .
In solidarity,
Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director
Donate to Protect and Empower Immigrant NYers! ([link removed])
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