
In early 2021, a record-setting 900 drugs saw price increases while America’s families were rationing medicines during the fallout of the pandemic. This is simply unconscionable. Right now, Congress has the opportunity to finally end high drug prices and lower costs for all of America’s families. Let's #UniteForHealthCare.

Join us on Twitter for our weekly #Thursday30 from 12:00-12:30pm ET, using the hashtag #UniteForHealthCare! This week, we're raising our voices to make prescription drugs affordable. Please feel free to use and customize social posts below from our regularly updated Thursday 30 Toolkit. Suggested content for this week includes:
  • 8 in 10 voters say the health care system works more for the benefit of drug and insurance companies & worry that Congress won’t go far enough to actually lower drug prices. #rx #prescriptiondrugs #UniteForHealthCare
  • Wall Street forecasts a windfall in revenues for #COVID19 therapeutics while America’s families are rationing life-saving #rx & making impossible tradeoffs to keep a roof over their heads & food on the table. #UniteForHealthCare
  • Families across the nation deserve to actually benefit from the hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars invested in #COVID19 vaccines & treatments and every single drug developed from 2010-2019. #rx #prescriptiondrugs #UniteForHealthCare
  • Americans are asking for help w/ #highdrugprices — time & again. Nearly 9/10 voters want the federal government to take action to #lowerdrugprices & 9/10 employers see #drugprices as among the greatest threat to affordability of #healthcoverage for employees. #UniteForHealthCare
To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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