July 2021 • Issue 1, Volume 12 • www.consumer-action.org Click here to view this email in a web browser What people are saying "In a world where we are constantly being overwhelmed with information
"In a world where we are constantly being overwhelmed with information, Consumer Action helps to clear away the excess to give a clearer understanding."
The first monthly payments of the expanded advance Child Tax Credit enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act will be made on July 15. Eligible families will receive up to $300 per month for each child under 6 and up to $250 per month each for kids aged 6-17. Roughly 39 million households--covering 88% of children--will receive automatic monthly payments. Eligible taxpayers should file their 2020 tax return if they have not done so--no further action is necessary. Learn more.
Aware that the pandemic gave con artists many new opportunities to cheat consumers, Consumer Action has published two new fact sheets that highlight some of the most prevalent new scams and frauds and offer advice for evading them. Read more.
Millions of consumers are weighed down by medical debt. Consumer Action teamed up with the Financial Empowerment Center at Prince George's Community College in Maryland for a virtual presentation on strategies and programs that help consumers manage medical expenses and avoid healthcare-related debt. Read more.
If you paid a security deposit to your landlord, can you use it to pay the last month's rent? This is a common question that continues to confuse renters. Read more.
The pandemic threw a wrench into even the best laid retirement savings plans. The presenters at our recent webinar gave attendees a look at how consumers are doing today, as the country emerges from the economic shutdown, and how they can get their retirement savings efforts back on track. Read more.
Consumer Action often joins its allies in letters, comments and complaints calling for change, standing up for consumer rights, supporting or opposing proposed laws and objecting to corporate misbehavior, among other activities. We collect these in the Coalition Efforts section of our website. Each month in the INSIDER, we highlight some recent activities. Read more.
In this regular feature, we detail recent actions taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This month, the Bureau alerts consumers to local programs providing emergency rental help. They also return $1 million to consumer investors. Read more.
Consumer Action maintains a database of class actions so that interested consumers can learn more, join a pending action or make a claim. Class action lawsuits are an important element of consumer protection and can force changes to anti-consumer business practices and make bad actors return ill-gotten gains to consumers. Read more.
We'd love your feedback on how we're doing and which of our services are most important to you. Please fill out our (very) brief three-question survey here! Your feedback might be featured in the INSIDER if you agree.
Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Consumer Action focuses on consumer education that empowers low- and moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper. It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change.
By providing consumer education materials in multiple languages, a free national hotline, a comprehensive website and annual surveys of financial and consumer services, Consumer Action helps consumers assert their rights in the marketplace and make financially savvy choices. More than 6,000 community and grassroots organizations benefit annually from its extensive outreach programs, training materials and support. Read more.