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This June issue of the newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence resources
related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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Irish-related publications
The 2019–20 Irish National Drug and Alcohol Survey: main findings
Mongan, Deirdre and Millar, Sean and Galvin, Brian (2021) Dublin: HRB
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Supporting women to access appropriate treatment study.
Ivers, Jo-Hanna; Giulini, Francesca and Paul, Gillian (2021) Dublin: TCD
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An evaluation of the co-design of a CityWide pilot anti-stigma training programme.
Comiskey C et al (2021) Dublin: Citywide.
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A long-brewing crisis: The historical antecedents of major alcohol policy change in Ireland.
Lesch M and McCambridge J (2021) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.
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Waiting for the wave: political leadership, policy windows, and alcohol policy change in Ireland.
Lesch M & McCambridge J (2021) Social Science & Medicine, Early online.
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Drugnet Ireland Issue 77, Spring 2021
(2021) Dublin: Health Research Board
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Is peer connectedness encouraging earlier initiation alcohol use among Irish children?
Kit K (2021) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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The impact of guidance on the supply of codeine-containing products on their use in intentional drug
Birchall E et al (2021) European Journal of Public Health, Early online.
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Quality standards for civil society involvement in drug policy.
Sarosi, P, Fulga V, de Boer Y & Keane, Marcus (2021) Amsterdam: Civil Society Forum on Drugs.
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Association between electronic cigarette use and tobacco cigarette smoking initiation in
adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
O'Brien D et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), p. 954.
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Developing effective relationships between youth justice workers and young people: a synthesis of
the evidence.
Fulerton D et al (2021) Limerick: School of Law, University of Limerick.
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From nowhere to nowhere. Homelessness and incarceration: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Bashir A et al (2021) International Journal of Prisoner Health, Early online.
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Interim report on mortality in single homeless population 2020.
O'Carroll, Austin (2021) Dublin: Dublin Region Homeless Executive.
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Hopeful Irish eye Australia’s safe-injecting success.
Duffin Tony (2021) The Bulletin, 17, (5), pp. 14-17.
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Hypospadias and cocaine use in pregnancy.
Finnegan J et al (2021) Irish Medical Journal, 114, (6), p. 389.
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Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: a large-scale cross-sectional study in
21 countries.
Kilian, Carolin et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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Children & young people’s services committees - directory.
Children & young people’s services committees (2021)
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Alcohol treatment services: a snapshot survey 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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A decade of DOVE: multidisciplinary experience from an obstetrics addiction clinic.
Eogan et al (2021) Irish Medical Journal, 114, (5), p.352
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'Special death': living with bereavement by drug-related death in Ireland.
Lambert S et al (2021) Death Studies, Early online, pp. 1-11.
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From heavy cannabis use to psychosis: is it time to take action?
Johnson-Ferguson, L and Di Forti, M (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online,
pp. 1-6.
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Substance misuse (controlled drugs) policy.
(2021) Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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A social return on investment analysis on the impact of DIAL House.
Quality Matters (2021) Dublin: Novas.
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A descriptive pilot survey of behavioural addictions in an adolescent secondary school population in
Columb D et al (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online, pp. 1-13.
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Civil society monitoring of harm reduction in Europe, 2020: data report.
Rigoni R et al (2021) Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network.
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The experience and meaning of repeated self-harm among patients presenting to Irish hospital
emergency departments.
Chakraborti K et al (2021) Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Early online, pp. 1-16.
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‘Beyond rehabilitation.’ An exploration of workers’ experiences in delivering drug services within
the special drugs rehabilitation community employment programme.
. O'Connor Noel (2021) PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
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Neuroimaging evidence for structural correlates in adolescents resilient to polysubstance use: A
five-year follow-up study.
Filippi I et al (2021) European Neuropsychopharmacology, 49, pp. 11-22.
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Association of opioid agonist treatment with all-cause mortality and specific causes of death among
people with opioid dependence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Santo T et al (2021) JAMA Psychiatry, Early online.
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Sláintecare implementation strategy & action plan 2021 — 2023.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health.
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A rapid review of measures to support people in isolation or quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic
and the effectiveness of such measures.
Cardwell K et al (2021) Reviews in Medical Virology, Early online, e2244.
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Mental health impacts of COVID-19 in Ireland and the need for a secondary care mental health service
O'Connor K et al (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 38, (2), pp. 99-107.
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Generation pandemic: futures are on the Line.
(2021) Dublin: Irish Youth Foundation.
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Covid-19 paper 2: examining the impacts and response in residential mental health services.
(2021) Dublin: Mental Health Commission.
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COVID-19 Impact on secondary mental healthcare services in Ireland
(2021) Dublin: College of Psychiatrists of Ireland
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Community addiction and recovery strategy.
(2021) Dublin: Sinn Fein.
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Alcohol-related harms in nightlife settings on the island of Ireland.
O'Brien O et al (2021) Dublin/Belfast: Institute of Public Health.
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Institute for Public Health webinar: alcohol-related harms in night life settings on the Island of
Murphy E (2021) Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service Briefing Paper.
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Alcohol use and related harm in Northern Ireland.
McKinney E (2021) Alcohol Health Alliance blog
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Drug-related and drug-misuse deaths 2009-2019.
(2021) Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.
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Alcohol Action Ireland's response to well-being framework a government of Ireland initiative,
carried out by NESC.
(2021) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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LGBTI+ youth in Ireland and across Europe: a two-phased landscape and research gap analysis.
Kolto A et al (2021) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth statement of strategy 2021 -
(2021) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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National framework for children and young people’s participation in decision-making.
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (2021)
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Growing up in Ireland: the lives of 9 -year-olds of cohort '08.
McNamara E et al (2021) Dublin: ESRI; Trinity College Dublin; Department of Children
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General Scheme of the Family Court Bill Observations to the Joint Committee on Justice on behalf of
Dr Carol Coulter and Maria Corbett of the Child Care Law Reporting Project.
(2021) Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.
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Child Care Law Reporting Project. Case reports 2021 volume 1.
(2021) Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.
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Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board.
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Western Region Drugs Task Force annual report 2020.
(2021) Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force
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Health Products Regulatory Authority strategic plan 2021-2025.
(2021) Dublin: HIQA
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Tabor Group annual report 2020.
(2021) Cork: Tabor Group.
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Tallaght Rehabilitation Project annual review 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Tallaght Rehabilitation Project.
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Rotunda Hospital annual report 2019.
(2020) Dublin: The Rotunda Hospital.
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Recorded crime Q1 2021.
(2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Prison re-offending statistics 2011 - 2018
Central Statistics Office (2021) Cork: CSO
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Women's Aid annual impact report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Women's Aid.
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Office of the Inspector of Prisons annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.
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Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2020
(2021) Kildare: Department of Defence and Defence Forces.
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National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.
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International publications
European drug report 2021: trends and developments.
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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New benzodiazepines in Europe – a review.
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges.
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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EMCDDA statistical bulletin 2021.
EMCDDA (2021)
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EU Drugs action plan 2021-2025.
(2021) Brussels: Council of the European Union
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World drug report 2021.
(2021) Vienna: UNODC.
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Drugs: policy and aims - a manifesto for Scotland.
(2021) Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum.
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A comprehensive review of prioritised interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of persons
with lived experience of homelessness.
Moledina A et al (2021) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17, (2), e1154.
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HIV and people who use drugs.
UNAIDS (2021) Geneva: UNAIDS.
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Quality in drug use disorder treatment [Video]
Dale-Perera, Annette (2021) UNODC.
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Reading around: Screening and assessment. Goodair, Christine
(2021) Society for the Study of Addiction
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Child, youth and family (CYF) database.
Centre for Effective Services (2021)
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From invisibility to influence: the evolution of participation of people who use drugs in the Global
France F and Matthews M (2021) London: INPUD.
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Whys and what ifs: writing and anxiety reduction in individuals bereaved by addiction.
Thatcher C (2021) Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
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People who use drugs and mental health.
Harm Reduction International, INPUD (2021) London: Harm Reduction International.
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Stigma of Addiction Summit innovation abstract compendium.
National Academy of Medicine et al (2021) National Academy of Medicine.
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UHC issues for young people who use drugs and other young inadequately served populations.
Kehinde O and Itoro Effiong, E (2021) Youth RISE.
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Adolescent mental health evidence brief 2: the relationship between emotional and behavioural
problems in adolescence and adult outcomes.
Clarke A and Lovewell K (2021) London: Early Intervention Foundation.
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Evaluation of the Early Years Transformation Academy.
Lewis J and LaValle I (2021) London: Centre for Evidence and Implementation.
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“Help impossible to ignore”. A guide to ensure shelter, psychosocial and legal services for women
who use drugs and experience violence.
. Korniienko H; EHRA. (2021) Vilnius: Eurasian Harm Reduction Association.
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Global progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, 2021.
Accountability for the global health sector strategies 2016–2021: actions for impact.
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Ask the family! Family perspectives on whole family support and family inclusive practice.
Family Engagement Project Partners (2021) Glasgow: Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
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Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on the price distribution of off-trade alcohol
in Scotland.
Ferguson et al (2021) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Impact of Minimum Unit Pricing among people who are alcohol dependent and accessing treatment
services: Interim report: Structured interview data.
Buykx P et al (2021) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland's Alcohol Strategy (MESAS): monitoring report 2021.
(2021) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Global alcohol action plan 2022-2030 to strengthen implementation of the global strategy to reduce
the harmful use of alcohol. First draft.
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Studying individual-level factors relating to changes in alcohol and other drug use, and seeking
treatment following Minimum Unit Pricing implementation.
McCann M et al (2020) London: Alcohol Change UK.
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The role of alcohol in the link between national football (soccer) tournaments and domestic abuse -
Evidence from England.
Trendl A et al (2021) Social Science & Medicine, 268, p. 113457.
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Estimating the burden of alcohol on ambulance callouts through development and validation of an
algorithm using electronic patient records.
Manca F et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (12), p.
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Rapid literature review on the impact of health messaging and product information on alcohol
Dimova E and Mitchell D (2021) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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‘Dangerous data’: drinking after dependence.
(2021) Drug and Alcohol Findings Hot Topic.
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A content analysis and population exposure estimate of Guinness branded alcohol marketing during the
2019 Guinness Six Nations.
Barker AB et al (2021) Alcohol and Alcoholism, Early online.
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Coronary heart disease in mothers and fathers of adult children with alcohol use disorders.
Calling S et al (2021) Addiction, Early online. (In Press)
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Fact sheet on a SAFER WHO European Region: developments in alcohol control policies, 2010-2019.
(2021) Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
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A feasibility study of Moving on in My Recovery: an acceptance-based group programme for people in
recovery from substance addiction.
Hogan LM et al (2021) London: Alcohol Change UK.
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‘It’s not 9 to 5 recovery’: the role of a recovery community in producing social bonds that support
Anderson M et al (2021) Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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Understanding the stigma and feasibility of opening a safe injection facility in Baltimore City: a
qualitative case study.
Dupree T et al (2021) The Qualitative Report, 26, (6), pp. 1911-1931.
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A randomised, double-blind study investigating the relationship between early childhood trauma and
the rewarding effects of morphine.
Carlyle M et al (2021) Addiction Biology, e13047.
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Reorganization of substance use treatment and harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic:
a global survey.
Radfar, SR et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, p.639393.
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Addiction audio: Cannabis, schizophrenia and genetics [Audio].
Johnson E (2021) London: Society for the Study of Addiction.
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Residual effects of cannabis-use on neuropsychological functioning.
Kristin Wendel et al (2021) Cognitive Development, 59, p. 101072.
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Associations of suicidality trends with cannabis use as a function of sex and depression status.
Han B et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (6), e2113025.
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The potential impacts of community drug checking within the overdose crisis: qualitative study
exploring the perspective of prospective service users.
Wallace B et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), p. 1156.
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Maternal, fetal, and child outcomes of mental health treatments in women: a systematic review of
perinatal pharmacologic interventions.
Viswanathan M et al (2021) Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
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Mental health, substance use, and wellbeing in higher education: supporting the whole student.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021) Washington DC: The National
Academies Press.
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Cognitive–behavioural therapy for a variety of conditions: an overview of systematic reviews and
panoramic meta-analysis.
Fordham B et al (2021) Southampton: NIHR Journals Library.
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A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of take-home naloxone (THN) ownership and
Burton G et al (2021) International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online.
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Khat and neurobehavioral functions: a systematic review.
Ahmed A et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (6), e0252900.
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Drug-involved infant deaths in the United States, 2015–2017.
Ely D et al (2021) Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.
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Recreational ketamine-related deaths notified to the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths,
England, 1997-2019.
Corkery J Martin et al (2021) Journal of Psychopharmacology, p. 2698811211021588.
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Public health policies on psychoactive substance use: a manual for health planners.
(2021) Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization.
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Competencies for Canada’s substance use workforce video series [Video].
(2021) Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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Association of new perioperative benzodiazepine use with persistent benzodiazepine use.
Wright JD et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (6), e2112478.
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Prison-based therapeutic communities (TCs): a handbook for prison administrators, treatment
professionals and trainers.
Yates R et al (2021) Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
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The harms of incarceration: The evidence base and human rights framework for decarceration and harm
reduction in prisons.
(2021) London: Harm Reduction International.
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Drug cryptomarkets in the 2020s: policy, enforcement, harm, and resilience.
Horton-Eddison M et al (2021) Swansea: Global Drug Policy Observatory.
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Global prison trends 2021 report.
(2021) London: Penal Reform International and Thailand Institute of Justice.
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Supporting evidence-use in policy and practice: reflections for the What Works Network.
Waddell, Stephanie (2021) London: Early Intervention Foundation.
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Improving the utility of evidence synthesis for decision makers in the face of insufficient
Murad, M Hassan et al (2021) Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Early online.
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General report of activities 2020 – key achievements and governance: a year in review.
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Summary results of the global youth tobacco survey in selected countries of the WHO European Region.
(2021) Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
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WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation. Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product
regulation: eighth report of a WHO study group.
WHO study group on tobacco product regulation (2021) Geneva: WHO
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Litigation relevant to regulation of novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products: comparison
across jurisdictions.
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Quitting toolkit.
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization
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Primary school in court bid to overturn permission for Merchants Quay heroin injection centre.
[Independent.ie] Healy, Tim (16 Jun 2021)
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A hard look at Irish chemsex scene: 'I've experience of losing friends to this' .
[Irish Examiner] O'Byrne, Ellie (15 Jun 2021)
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GP: Legislation is now four years old but Ireland is still without its first drug injecting centre.
[thejournal.ie] McGovern, Garrett (15 Jun 2021)
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Cannabis edibles: Dublin principals warn parents that THC jellies are being sold in some schools.
[Independent.ie] Bracken, Ali (13 Jun 2021)
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Charity concerned over number of crack cocaine users.
[RTE News] Hunt, Conor (11 Jun 2021)
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Increasing number of children requiring hospital treatment after consuming edible cannabis ‘sweets’.
[Independent.ie] Moloney, Eoghan (09 Jun 2021)
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1.6 million units of illegal medicines detained in 2020.
[Health Products Regulatory Authority] (08 Jun 2021)
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Court rules that section of anti drug trafficking law is unconstitutional.
[breakingnews.ie] (04 Jun 2021)
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Epilepsy specialists call for inclusion of purified CBD product in access programme.
[Medical Independent] Reilly, Catherine (04 Jun 2021)
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Tobacco firm frustrated over delay in menthol ban investigation.
[Irish Times] Paul, Mark (04 Jun 2021)
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Quarter of drivers admit they may have been over the limit when driving the morning after.
[Road Safety Authority] (02 Jun 2021)
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Ireland leads the way on tobacco cessation programmes.
WHO Regional Office for Europe.(31 May 2021)
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Fears mount that forensic lab backlog could derail drugs prosecutions.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (31 May 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Dáil Éireann debate. Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998: Motion. [
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] (23 Jun 2021)
Seanad Éireann debate. Offences against the State Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act
2009: Motions. [
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] (22 Jun 2021)
Seanad Eireann debate. Order of business [Alcohol]. [
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] (14 Jun 2021)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Update on Sláintecare: Department of Health. [
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] (09 Jun 2021)
Dáil Éireann debate. Other questions - Crime prevention [28087/21]. [
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] (03 Jun 2021)
Dail Eireann debate. Questions on promised legislation [Medicinal cannabis]. [
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] (02 Jun 2021)
Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media debate. General Scheme of the Online
Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020: Discussion (Resumed). [
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] (02 Jun 2021)
Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science debate.
School bullying and the impact on mental health: discussion (resumed). [
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] (01 Jun 2021)
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