Today, I’m excited and proud to announce that I am officially running for U.S. Senate in Kentucky — this time against Rand Paul.
I love Kentucky. We have so much strength, resolve, and potential.
When the pandemic hit, we showed up for our neighbors with groceries. When our sister’s door got kicked in, we marched. That’s what Kentucky is about: coming together to solve the biggest challenges we face.
That’s what this election has to be about too. Kentucky has too many politicians who work for the wealthy and the powerful, while they ignore the rest of us.
This will be an extremely competitive race. We’re one of only a few states with a Democratic governor and two Republican senators. So, it’s going to take a whole lot of grassroots donations for us to win.
Here’s something you need to know about me, John:
I grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky. Both of my parents had to drop out of high school to help take care of our family. I’ve had to ration my insulin; and I’ve been homeless. My mom often went without eating so that I could. I’ve lived the struggle other politicians only talk about.
But I know that my family wasn’t alone in their struggles. From the hood to the holler, we all share the same hopes, dreams, struggles, and fears.
This is an opportunity to take back Kentucky. The challenges we face are relentless, but I know the solution — it’s us.
Together, we can and will build a better, brighter future for everyone in our Commonwealth. One where we all have the same quality health care as our politicians. Where we have more money in our pocket, and breathe clean air and drink clean water. Where we can go to sleep safe and sound without worrying about our door being busted down.
That world is possible, but it will mean defeating politicians like Rand Paul standing in the way.
Kentucky is not a “red state.” It’s a disenfranchised state. It’s a commonwealth where a whole lot of people haven’t felt heard in a long time. It’s a place where the number of people who don’t vote outnumber those who do. If we change that, we will send Rand Paul packing.
Let’s make change,
-- Charles Booker

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