Hey there —


We just chatted with our finance director and wanted to send you a quick note to say we still need to raise another $2,650 by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT for Team Kind to hit our Q2 deadline goal.


We're so close! We have to show the dark money groups backing our opponent that we have the resources and grassroots support to fight back against their attacks. If we don't, we could lose all we've fought to achieve.


From Pierce to Grant, Wisconsin working families are too important for us to come up short. Can we count on you to chip in $10, or whatever you can afford, before midnight tonight to protect the 3rd? >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:



EMAIL: [email protected]



There is no doubt, if we stand together, we'll make it clear that Team Kind is more than ready for the battle ahead.


Literally, every dollar matters. Because in the end, it's about each of us chipping in a few bucks at a time to reach a much bigger goal: moving Wisconsin forward. Can we count on you now? >>>


We're going to get this done, and when we do, it will be thanks to you. 


For Wisconsin,

Team Kind

Paid for and authorized by Kind for Congress, Brent Smith Treasurer

To learn more about Ron Kind and moving Wisconsin forward visit www.ronkind.org. Emails are the best way to stay updated on our campaign but if you wish to receive fewer emails click here.

If you no longer wish to receive emails please click unsubscribe.

PO Box 184, La Crosse, WI 54602
