We can’t afford to lose Virginia, so Arena’s staffing the races we need to win. Can you help expand this program to fund additional staffers?

Arena Community,


Today I’m proud to announce the Arena Virginia Staff Fellows program -- a bold new initiative to ensure that Democrats retain control of the Virginia House of Delegates.


When Democrats took control of Virginia in 2019, the effect was transformational: they expanded Medicaid, passed landmark clean energy legislation, expanded voting rights, and raised the minimum wage. But this progress is on the line if Republicans regain control. 


That’s why we’re launching the Arena Virginia Staff Fellowship. We’re placing Arena Academy graduates on key House of Delegates races and fully funding their salaries until the general election. 


Can you help expand this program to fund additional staffers? 


Help us staff more Virginia campaigns. Make a monthly contribution of $10 or more through November to ensure Democrats in Virginia win.


State legislative campaigns cost a fraction of Congressional campaigns and Senate races -- we’re talking hundreds of thousands vs. millions of dollars -- but Democratic donors often leave these races behind. This leaves them underfunded and understaffed. 


We think it’s time to change this. State legislators have a tremendous impact on our lives. From voting rights to abortion access, they (not Congress) shape much of the policy that affects our well being.  


With your support, we can place our talented Arena Academy graduates with transformative candidates like Del. Nancy Guy, who won her race in 2019 by 41 votes; Debra Gardner, who has one of the best shots at flipping a seat from red-to-blue; and barrier-breaking transgender candidate Del. Danica Roem. 


Can you help us give these campaigns the staff support they need to win? 


Play a role in keeping Virginia blue. Make a monthly contribution of $10 or more through November to ensure Democrats in Virginia have the resources they need to win.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I couldn't be more excited for this initiative and I hope you join us in the fight to keep Virginia blue.


Lauren Baer's signature

Lauren Baer
Arena, Managing Partner

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