This Week in Brady News



Please Vote for Brady to Receive a Share of $150,000! 💰

Brady was selected to receive part of a $150,000 grant from CREDO Mobile! The funding will be split between three nonprofits, and YOUR votes determine how much Brady receives! The more votes we get, the more💰we receive!

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Victory! Gov. Newsom of California Signs Package of Gun Safety Bills into Law

Following months of advocacy by Brady California chapters, Gov. Newsom on Friday signed a package of gun safety bills into law! This is activism at its finest, but it wasn’t easy by any means. Brady California, led by Legislative Chair Amanda Wilcox tirelessly testified and lobbied for these bills, including driving more than 1,300 calls from constituents. Amanda was also one of few people to testify at committee hearings. Read more about California’s new gun laws!

Brady California Legislative Chair Amanda Wilcox with Gov. Newsom at yesterday's bill signing. Watch the Facebook Live footage of the signing, with words by Amanda Wilcox.

New on the Brady Podcast 🎙️

Our new podcast, “Red, Blue, and Brady,” combines the best of current events and personal narratives, exploring the epidemic of gun violence in America. We have new episodes you don’t want to miss!

Listen and subscribe now!

In 2013, Kirsten Englund pulled over to admire a scenic view of the coast during her drive on Highway 101 in Oregon when she was shot and killed by a man whose illegally obtained guns. Brady took the case to court— and won. Listen to the episode now.

An Extreme Risk Law Could Have Prevented Last Weekend's Shooting in Kansas City, KS

Last weekend, two gunmen shot and killed 4 people and injured 5 others at a bar in Kansas City, Kansas. We now know that neither shooter should ever have been able to get their hands on a gun: both men had criminal charges against them that prohibited them from accessing guns. What could have helped prevent this tragedy? An extreme risk law. Extreme risk laws allow family members or law enforcement to temporarily take guns away from people who are considered an imminent threat, as were these shooters. Just four days before the Kansas City shooting, 37 Kansas legislators sent a letter to President Trump imploring him to oppose extreme risk laws. Learn more about extreme risk laws.

Team ENOUGH leaders Leisha Majahan and Eve Levenson joined Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton for the launch of their new book, “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.” The book features Sarah Brady and her trailblazing efforts in passing the Brady Bill.

Brady Endorses Candidates for New Jersey’s General Assembly

With less than 30 days until statewide elections in the Garden State, we’re excited to announce our endorsements for New Jersey’s General Assembly! Brady-endorsed candidates are:

New Jersey has been leading the fight to end gun violence. Last month, Brady members stood by Gov. Phil Murphy as he announced an executive order that New Jersey will stop doing business with gun manufacturers or retailers that fail to follow common-sense public safety standards. We know these Brady-endorsed candidates will only strengthen this leadership. Read more.

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51 is Fair — We Need a Simple Majority to Stop Gun Violence!

The overwhelming majority of Americans want common-sense gun reform like expanded background checks — over 90 percent, as a matter of fact. Yet, the Senate’s 60-vote rule has long served to block efforts to pass gun safety legislation. That’s why we believe #51isfair! Gun violence is a national emergency, and it’s imperative that Congress set aside political games and take a simple majority vote on gun safety. Tell your senators that 51 is fair! 

Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) Hero of the Week  

Dicks Sporting Goods continues to act quicker than Congress. CEO Edward Stack announced that the company turned $5 MILLION worth of guns into scrap metal. This bold move follows the company’s decision in 2018 to stop selling assault rifles and high-capacity magazines. Share this news with your friends on Facebook!

Brady in the News: Must-Reads

California Adopts Broadest US Rules for Seizing Guns, New York Times

Charleston Mass Murderer Got His Gun Because of Background Check Gaps, Internal Report Shows, Roll Call

The Survivor: Alexandria’s Kate Ranta Just Released Her Story, Zebra

Rihanna brands Trump the ‘most mentally ill person in America’, The Independent

Quit playing games with our lives, Stimulant

Brady Quote of the Week 🎤

“Brady is constantly working to elevate the voices of survivors, activists, and those impacted by gun violence. We want Red, Blue, and Brady to serve as a platform for those impacted to tell their stories, but also for those who may not know much about gun violence in America to better understand the everyday realities.”

Brady President Kris Brown about the launch of Brady’s new podcast

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Paid for by the Brady Campaign. Contributions to the Brady Campaign are not tax deductible.

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