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Dear Fellow Patriot,

We've succeeded in delaying the Senate's vote on whether to confirm radical, anti-gun leftist David Chipman to lead the ATF.

Your Second Amendment is at stake… Will the GOP Senate step up and protect it? 

Radical, anti-gun leftist David Chipman was part of the disastrous government sieges at Waco and Ruby Ridge:

This radical maniac -- who believes only the state should have guns -- leads an anti-gun nonprofit. 

Rush in your donation to my U.S. Senate campaign today and make it clear to the GOP: if they vote to confirm David Chipman, they will be voted out of office

The Biden administration knows it can’t achieve its far-left gun control agenda, even with a majority in Congress. 

So instead, it’s attempting to use the Executive Branch to eliminate your Second Amendment rights. 

Biden’s plan is obvious -- and let me be crystal clear: any Republican who votes to confirm David Chipman to lead the ATF is a traitor to our cause, and a threat to your God-given rights

My opponent, weak RINO Sen. John Boozman, already voted to confirm a U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. who thinks America is a horrible, “white supremacist” country. 

Now, the vote on Chipman is imminent, and that’s why I need your support right away.

Rush in your donation today and tell the GOP Senate to say NO to Chipman:

YES! I’ll rush $5 now >>>

YES! I’ll rush $10 now >>>

YES! I’ll rush $25 now >>>

YES! I’ll rush $50 now >>>

YES! I’ll rush $100 now >>>

Thank you in advance for fighting the radical left and protecting your Second Amendment. 

In Liberty,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

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