It all comes down to this question.

Will Democrats fight the tide of history and retain — and expand — our majority in the first midterm election of a Democratic president?

And that comes down to this question:

How hard are we willing to dig deep, organize, and fight for our values?

So far, Team Larsen is showing up. On Thursday, I set a goal of 1200 grassroots donations — and we smashed it. We are now at 1239 donors in 2021.

My question for you, is this: Will you chip in $5 right now to keep up in the fight against Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and their deep-pocketed SuperPAC allies?

Here is my new goal: By midnight tonight, I would love to see us get to 1300 donors on Team Larsen.

Every dollar you donate will be spent organizing volunteers, communicating to voters, and building our capacity to win in 2022. We faced big challenges to our organizing in 2020 due to the pandemic, and we need to be moving full speed ahead right now to win 2022.

I am counting on you. Please, chip in $5 right now.

Here we go!


Express Donate:

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$5 $15 $25 $50