Today is the deadline to meet our funding goal for the Second Quarter, and Campaign for Liberty needs your help. COVID tyranny . . . attempts to federalize elections while gagging grassroots organizations . . . extremely dangerous gun confiscation bills . . . and runaway inflation caused by a Congress who looks hellbent on destroying our currency and our Republic along with it -- these are just a few of the threats you and I are facing. You’ve stepped up in a big way to join the fight, but we are FAR from out of the woods. According to my staff, we are still short of our quarterly goal. As a top-tier supporter, I am asking you to take two very important actions today to keep Campaign for Liberty fighting for your liberty. First, fill out your End of Quarter Supporter Ballot so I know where you stand on the most pressing issues we face. Then, please consider chipping in $9 or more to help us close our funding gap of $4,673. Will you and I be able to fight on all fronts? Campaign for Liberty needs to know where you stand. The fight against H.R. 1/S.1 is not slowing down and I expect to see more action on this bill when the Senate returns. The so-called “For the People Act,” which is more accurately titled the “Legalized Election Theft” bill, attempts to destroy any ability for the people to hold the political class accountable during the election process, opening the door for permanently tilted elections. Not only do they want to make the biggest opportunities for fraud -- such as universal mail in ballots, prohibitions on cleaning voter rolls, and same day voter registration -- REQUIRED in every state, but they want to crush free speech about the political class and their voting record. But if election integrity is not that important to you, please mark “Cut programs to protect the integrity of elections” on your supporter ballot. Then, I urge you to rush a donation $9 or more to help us close our funding gap and keep us on track. You and I have suffered for over a year at the whims of “experts” such as Anthony Fauci who have lied at every turn about the origins of COVID and forced masking and the destructive lockdowns. Worse yet, they want these expanded powers to be permanent! I don’t know about you, but I cannot think of anything more frightening than making the last 15 months of our lives the long-term standard. But if you think C4L should give up on fighting these battles on COVID tyranny in the second half of 2021, please mark that on your ballot. Then, if you could, please rush in $9 or more to help us close our funding gap of $4,673. We must also not forget about the rabid gun confiscation push with dangerous bills like H.R. 8, H.R. 1446, and H.R. 127, and the nomination of anti-gun zealot David Chipman to run the ATF! And if the destructive bills he supports don’t end up making it to his desk, he’ll just use the “power of the pen” to ban and confiscate weapons using federal agents at the ATF with David Chipman as director as an end-around Congress -- if he can get away with it. But if you think C4L should STOP protecting our Second Amendment freedoms, please mark “Cut programs protecting The Second Amendment” on your Supporter Ballot. Then, please consider chipping in $9 or more to help us close our funding gap. Patriot, there’s another issue I hope you will consider. President Biden and hard Left Democrats in Congress have fully embraced Soviet Russian and German Stasi tactics to turn citizens against each other over their political views, encourage them to snitch, and then use that as an excuse for a MASSIVE expansion of the surveillance state and bloated domestic spying apparatus. I’m not surprised. After all, President Biden publicly brags about writing the original “PATRIOT Act” -- even claiming that “the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill,” referring to The Patriot Act. And now the Democrats are waging a domestic “war on terror” targeting Trump supporters, libertarians, and anyone else who doesn’t toe the “woke” line. But if you think we should stop battling government’s attacks on Americans’ privacy, please mark, “Cut efforts to stop domestic crackdowns and spying” on your Supporter Ballot. Then, I urge you to rush a donation $9 or more to help us close our funding gap and keep us on track. Ever since the mandatory economic depression ushered in by the draconian lockdowns on businesses and just about everything else, Congress has used it as an excuse to inflate the dollar through more than $5 Trillion in new bailouts. Whether it was the “CARES Act,” which was rammed through in March of last year, the “Stimulus” bills, or the latest excuse which is “Infrastructure,” Congress and President Biden are spending us into oblivion while throwing a pittance at regular Americans. There’s no mystery about what will happen if we keep pumping Billions or even Trillions of dollars into the hands of the wealthy without any accountability whatsoever. Patriot, we are headed for a worse economic disaster than 2008 by far, and Campaign for Liberty will continue the fight against these policies with Audit the Fed, but only with your continued support! So if you think we should stop fighting the Federal Reserve and Congress for their currency destruction, please mark it on your supporter ballot. ![]() I would hate to give up any ground, but I need to know where you stand. If you’re like me and don’t want to back down on any front, there is one final option to select, as you’ll see: That’s “FIGHT EVERYWHERE! DON’T GIVE AN INCH!” But please recognize how serious this is. We simply must close the gap of $4,673 or I simply won’t be able to run a full program on some of these critical battles, let alone all of them! Regardless of your choice, your generous donation is badly needed today. Please consider chipping in $9 or more to help us close our funding gap. Patriot, this could not be more serious. The stakes are higher for our country than ever before. I’m counting on you to rise to the occasion. So please respond right away and tell me how to proceed. In liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul Chairman P.S. In the next few days, I must nail down Campaign for Liberty’s most crucial plans for the coming weeks, but I can’t do that without hearing from you first. As we near the end of the second quarter of the busiest year in Campaign for Liberty’s history, we are short of our budgeted goal. With so many battles already fought, and many more staring us in the face today, there isn’t time to waste. So please fill out your Supporter Ballot right away, and make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, or whatever you can afford at once! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual
liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization. |