Friend -
We’re so thankful for all of our supporters. To express our gratitude, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our new newsletter: The Fight!
Recent Accomplishments
This summer has brought an onslaught of voting rights news. While it’s critical for the public to know the realities of voter suppression in America, we think it’s just as important to celebrate our collective wins. Here are some of the achievements the Fair Fight and Fair Fight Action teams are proud to share with you:
Fair Fight
Georgia had a special election for Georgia House Seat (HD 34), which covers parts of Cobb County, on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Despite a very tough race, our Fair Fight-endorsed candidate, Priscilla Smith, got enough votes to force the Republican candidate into a runoff in this historically Republican district. This is a huge milestone and a step forward for this key Atlanta suburb!
Fair Fight Action
ICYMI: Fair Fight Action launched the nationwide Hot Call Summer campaign to help educate and mobilize young voters of color and young progressives around HR 1/S 1, the For the People Act (national voting rights legislation). Fair Fight Action has also mobilized through: text banks, town halls, and celebrity partnerships. Fair Fight Action Volunteers sent millions of texts, and contacted voters in 9 states. Through this outreach, voters made over 30,000 successful connections with their U.S. Senators’ offices to advocate for the For the People Act!
ICYMI: Hot Call Summer campaign video below:

A Message from Lauren Groh-Wargo
Dear Readers of The Fight,
Just weeks before Senators Warnock and Ossoff faced runoff elections on January 5, 2021, 364,000 voters were challenged by True the Vote, a far-right organization. True the Vote tried to kick them off the rolls in a race that was won by 90,000 votes. That type of mass challenge and disenfranchisement is what far-right extremists want. Federal voting legislation must address these types of mass challenges. In this fight they expect us to be scared, but we are not afraid. We name the harm they are doing, shine a light on it, and work daily to build small victories for voters that compound to change over time. Thank you for being part of the fight, and I urge you to grab hold of the victories along the way, and continue to push forward for the sacred right to vote.
Yours in the fight,
Lauren, Senior Advisor to Fair Fight PAC and CEO of Fair Fight Action
The Road Ahead
Fair Fight Action
Fair Fight Action is monitoring, tracking, and fighting against a range of attacks on voters from suppressive bills in state legislatures to sham ballot reviews or so-called “audits”. Fair Fight Action is also on the frontlines of the fight for federal voting rights legislation. Here are the toplines on each of these:
Suppressive Bills in State Legislatures
Fair Fight Action is actively supporting key states that are currently facing or have recently faced attacks on voting rights in their state legislatures. We work directly to prevent any of these bills from ever becoming law by elevating these efforts and working on the ground with our partners and allies in the state.
As an example, let’s look at Arizona. Arizona Republicans have introduced 30 anti-voter bills this session, and Governor Ducey has enacted legislation that will strip voters from the state’s popular Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in 2024. Advocates estimate that this bill could remove 126,000 voters, including some 30,000 Latino voters. On June 23rd, the Arizona Senate passed a budget with anti-voter provisions tucked in as amendments, including stripping the Secretary of State of her authority to defend election-related lawsuits and allowing third-parties to determine who should be purged from the voter rolls. Fair Fight Action has been working in coalition with Arizona-based groups to fight these and other bills in order to protect Arizonans’ freedom to vote and uphold democracy.
Scam Election Reviews
In addition to Arizona’s sham ballot review, we’ve seen calls for scam ballot reviews or so-called “audits” in at least 7 other states: CA, GA, MI, PA, UT, VA, and WI. These schemes are designed to perpetuate The Big Lie and the January 6 insurrection. As noted by Attorney General Merrick Garland earlier this month, these scam reviews are rooted in disinformation and the premise for them has been rejected by every court that considered related claims in the period following the 2020 Presidential Election. Fair Fight Action will continue to track these attempts to perpetuate the Big Lie, shine a light on their intentions to sow doubt in our election process, and work with our allies to fight back at the local, state, and national levels.
Federal Voting Rights Legislation
In addition to working as a defensive player in states where voting rights are being threatened, Fair Fight Action is working offensively on federal legislation that would prevent many of the insidious efforts attempted or passed in states. That is why Fair Fight Action is continuing Hot Call Summer through July and asking all supporters to call 888-453-3211 and urge their U.S. Senators to support federal legislation that would protect our freedom to vote by enacting national minimum standards for elections and restoring pre-clearance.
Furthermore, Fair Fight Action is working to help build the Congressional Record in support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure it is as strong as possible. Our amazing phone and text banking volunteers have already reached out to more than 1.1 million voters throughout Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, and our declaration drafting volunteers have already reached out to nearly 1,000 voters who indicated they may have a voting story to share--and we are not done yet! Fair Fight Action is working hard to document their voting experiences to ensure Congress understands what voting is like in their state and why the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is so important. Thank you to the volunteers that make this process a reality and thank you to the voters who are willing to go on the record with your voting experiences. Together, we are working to reinstate federal review of state and local changes to voting rules before they go into effect to ensure they do not discriminate against voters of color and to help prevent new voter suppression tactics.
Georgia Corner
Fair Fight
HD34 Runoff: Fair Fight is preparing for the July 13 runoff election in the HD 34 special election. After a successful voter education and volunteer program during the special election, Fair Fight’s team is building the runoff plan for voter mobilization and for supporting Fair Fight-endorsed candidate Priscilla Smith. During the special election, Fair Fight volunteers helped to reach HD 34 voters during district-wide text and phone banks to ensure they have the information and resources they need to make their plans to vote.
Fair Fight Action
Hot Call Summer: as a part of Fair Fight Action’s Hot Call Summer, volunteers texted thousands of voters across Georgia for a day of action, asking them to call Senators Ossoff and Warnock as well as Majority Leader Schumer to thank them for their commitment to passing federal voting rights legislation.
Juneteenth Lit Drops: As a part of Hot Call Summer, some of the Fair Fight U students (below) attended the Juneteenth Atlanta Parade and Music Festival and handed out over 400 fliers to voters explaining the For the People Act and asking them to call their Senators.

In the News
The right to vote is in the spotlight. Provided below are a number of articles that have helped inform Americans all across the country about the deep coordination of the far right when it comes to voting suppression.
Mother Jones
The Guardian
The New York Times
The Washington Post
Rolling Stone Magazine
Additional Ways to Plug In
Looking for what to do next? See below for a number of ways to get involved today.
Fair Fight Action
Volunteer: Fair Fight Action urgently needs support texting or calling voters over the next few weeks to ask them to share their voting stories so we can build the Congressional Record in support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. To help us call voters across the country to share their voting stories, sign up here.
Engage: Follow us on: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The best way to stay engaged is to be on the lookout on our social media for calls to action you and your network can take part in, and uplift them on your own social media!
Share Your Story: Wherever you live, go to MyVotingStory.com to share your voting story with Fair Fight Action if you have experienced any obstacles, difficulties, or issues while registering to vote, casting your ballot, or getting your vote counted.
Contact: You can reach our team with any questions by responding directly to this email.
Fair Fight
Together in, The Fight,
Your Fair Fight Team
