It’s like Whack-a-mole.

As soon as we deal with one radical right-winger, another one pops up. And here’s the thing -- they’re all getting ready or have already started running ads against Josh.

We need to be ready when the real onslaught of ads attacking Josh's record of always fighting for Jersey Values floods the airwaves, the mailbox and digital screens.

We need to fight back now before they get organized. Help us put a stop to the attack ads and misinformation by chipping in $5 to our own ad buy right now.

All these extremists will be HEAVILY funded by the National Republican Congressional Committee, because they want nothing more than to take Josh down. We need to be one step ahead of them.

Let’s get the ball rolling now and stay ahead of the attacks. If we can do one big, organized ad buy, we’ll cut through the noise of all of our opponents and send one strong message: we’re keeping Josh fighting for us in New Jersey’s 5th.

$5 » $25 »
$50 » $100 »
$250 » Custom »

Josh’s Campaign Team






Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress

Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress
PO Box 584
Ridgewood NJ 07451 United States