Organizing around popular issues is the way to win.


Big news, team! We just launched our first local-level campaign: Passing a ballot measure to decriminalize marijuana and ban no-knock warrants in Austin, Texas.

Decriminalizing marijuana and banning no-knock warrants are two meaningful policy goals that will help reduce police violence and protect Austin communities. They’re also massively popular issues that can invigorate Austin voters to join a bigger, stronger Texas electorate and ultimately transform our state’s politics.

Before we tell you more, will you consider a donation to Ground Game Texas today to support our first local-level campaign? Local, grassroots fights around popular issues like decriminalizing weed are how we’re going to transform Texas.

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In Austin and so many other cities, the history of marijuana enforcement is a history of police targeting working class, Black and Hispanic communities — sometimes through the use of dangerous “no knock” warrants, which allow police officers to forcefully enter someone’s home without announcing themselves. It’s a really dangerous policy that puts the public and even the officers themselves in peril. 

Meanwhile, recent polls show the current laws are deeply unpopular: At least 87% of Texans want to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational use, and at least 75% of Texans support banning “no knock” warrants.

Ground Game Texas is fighting to give voters the power to make progress by putting these popular policies directly on their ballots. And we need your help. 

This is going to be a race against the clock. We need to collect 25,000 signatures from Austin residents in support of marijuana decriminalization and banning no-knock warrants by July 20th in order to get this measure on the ballot. That’s thousands of doors to knock and thousands of conversations to have — all in less than one month.

Will you chip in today to help us hire field staff and recruit volunteers as we race to collect 25,000 signatures in support of marijuana decriminalization?

This ballot measure is a landmark opportunity to take a popular issue (legal weed) where elected representatives are NOT in tune with Texans, and use it to excite and mobilize new voters who will then show up in 2021, 2022, and beyond.

It’s worth repeating — decriminalizing marijuana and banning no-knock warrants are two meaningful policy goals that will help reduce police violence and protect Austin communities while also being massively popular issues that can invigorate Austin voters to join a bigger, stronger Texas electorate and ultimately transform our state’s politics.

Team, we’re diving right into this signature-collecting campaign, and anything you give today will immediately be invested into this vital grassroots work: If you’re able, please chip in $5, $25, or anything you're able to give to Ground Game Texas to make our first local campaign into a victory.

Thank you,

Julie Oliver and Mike Siegel 

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