Hi Friend,


We are amazed by the reaction to our last few emails! Treasurer Magaziner is honored to see the positive response to his innovative work to rebuild Rhode Island’s economy -- but there's less than 9 hours left until our HARDEST QUARTERLY DEADLINE OF THE YEAR and we are still $4,300 short. If 100 people send in $43, we will hit our goal – would you consider sending in $43 -- or as much as you can right now -- to help us continue our momentum and hit our goal?


Your support is invaluable and the Treasurer is grateful to have you as an ally.


Thank you!



PS: Click here now to stand up for a better Rhode Island and contribute $43 before midnight tonight!


Sent from my iPhone


















This email is not intended for any Rhode Island state government employees. If you are a Rhode Island state government employee, please disregard and let us know so we can unsubscribe you from future emails. Per Rhode Island State Law, individuals may contribute a maximum of $1,000 per year. Business and corporate checks are prohibited. Learn more at www.sethmagaziner.com.

Magaziner for Treasurer
PO Box 303
Providence RI 02901 United States