A few days ago, in the drizzly Pacific Northwest, it broke 115 degrees. There are record droughts across the Southwest. And it isn’t even July yet.
When you watch the news, it’s easy to get lost in the play-by-play of politics. Which team is winning, and which team is losing.
But when our leaders fail to take action on something as big as the climate crisis, that’s a loss for everyone.
Unfortunately, the “bipartisan” infrastructure plan announced last week by President Biden and some senators doesn’t come close to what we need to combat climate change — or racial injustice, or unemployment, or the many crises we are facing.
But here’s the good news, John: WFP champions and progressives in Congress have made it clear that they won’t pass that “bipartisan” bill without passing one that also includes the major investments in climate, care, jobs, and justice that we’ve been fighting for.
It’s hard to believe, but we’re already halfway through 2021. And while we don’t know what’s going to happen next, three things are clear:
We’ve set the tone for this fight. WFP members and supporters like yourself, as well as allies around the country, have spent months organizing in blue states and red states alike to win a recovery package that meets the scale of the crises we face. And we have a lot more in the works this summer.
We can’t negotiate our future away. We know Democrats are wasting their time negotiating with Republicans, who are determined to block our entire agenda at all costs. We’re going to keep the pressure on Democrats to pass a full jobs, care, and climate agenda regardless of what the party of white supremacists and insurrectionists thinks.
We can beat the forces who are determined to stall our progress at every turn. We can defeat their fearmongering with a bold vision of a future that works for every single one of us. And we can elect leaders who will fight for that vision once they are in the halls of power.
That’s what we’re doing at the Working Families Party. But this only works when we all come together to make it happen. If you haven’t already, please contribute $3 before the end of the quarter tonight at midnight. Every dollar goes towards fueling our organizing efforts to win the world we are fighting for.
Contribute $3
If you close your eyes, it’s not so hard to imagine what that different world would look like. Where we take care of everyone — and build a future where our children can thrive.
Where we create meaningful and well-paid jobs building that future, home by home, community by community, city by city. Where people have dignified work transforming the climate, dignified work caring for our seniors and for our children.
Where we put all our smarts and ingenuity towards building a nation and a world that cares for all of us.
Now think about how our children will feel — looking back on us — looking back on the dedication we had and the sacrifices we made and the care we took — to build that future.
It’s an honor to do this work alongside all of you.
In solidarity,
Maurice Mitchell
National Director, Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).