
My team is worried about missing our end-of-quarter fundraising goal—and they have two good reasons.

The first is that Republicans across the country are working overtime to build the infrastructure for their big comeback. They have their eyes on the midterms and are hoping to win back both the House and Senate.

The second is that after June, fundraising practically slows to a halt. We’ll be in the notorious “summer slump,” and may not have a chance to build our resources again until the fall.

That’s why this end-of-quarter deadline is so important and why I’m asking for your help before midnight on June 30th.

I know this team can help us get across the finish line because I’ve seen it done time and again. Will you rush $15 or more right now to help us before midnight tonight?

This is a pivotal moment for Democrats—and we can’t let it go to waste. Let’s show that we have what it takes to defeat Republicans and continue our progress.
