The LGBTQ+ community STILL isn’t protected under federal law. Take action with PeopleGreater now.

Well -- it’s 2021, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is still legal under federal law. 

LGBTQ+ people still disproportionately feel the impact of things like student debt, lack of access to affordable health care, and systemic discrimination. In fact, anti-trans legislation has swept through state legislatures across the country, expressly aimed at preventing children from participating in school sports or receiving health care that affirm their gender. 

We are at a crossroads: we must pass the Equality Act, a historic piece of legislation that would finally affirm the LGBTQ+ community, and give folks full and explicit federal protection from discrimination.

Things might seem bleak, but let us be clear: this year has also given us so much hope. In the past year we’ve seen an incredible influx of bold and progressive LGBTQ+ leaders, like Mondaire Jones and Richie Torres who became America’s first openly gay Black Congressmen

As the LGBTQ+ community gains more representation within the halls of power, the fight for liberation remains an uphill battle. So, even as Pride Month is coming to a close, your activism cannot. Here are some ways to fight for equity alongside us:

Read more about the landmark piece of LGBTQ+ equality legislation, the Equality Act.  

Tell your Senator we need the Equality Act. Discrimination should not be legal. Period. 

→  Sign the petition to fix our broken senate, and get the Equality Act passed by eliminating the filibuster. 

Together, we can fight to make sure everyone in America has a fair shot at the life they deserve. We are so excited to see that happen. 

In solidarity --

The PeopleGreater Team


712 H Street NE Suite 1571
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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