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Sam Goldman interviews Dahlia Lithwick, columnist for and host of the podcast Amicus about the Supreme Court

Dahlia Lithwick: "It’s just not going to be
enough to have New York officials go after Donald Trump for things he
did before he held office… At some point, the shock of all of these
things dissipates. And then, as we said, the goalposts have moved. Right
now this is normal. To refuse to hold them to consequences is to invite
the Marco Rubio administration or the Josh Hawley administration to
push further. This is not normal. This is not okay. If clownish lawyers
can get away with clownish efforts to set elections aside and there are
no consequences, professional or otherwise, then the next set of lawyers who does it are going to be really good at it. Because there were no consequences...When
the Justice Department says we want to just restore norms of comity and
trust and bipartisanship and working together, that’s not an end in
itself. That’s a means to an end, and the end is democracy..."
Sam Goldman: "The fact that so much was
accomplished, despite the buffoonery, despite the messiness, despite the
idiocy, he still was able to take this movement where no one else thus
far in the Republican Party has taken the movement. I think that is
precisely why anybody who is paying attention, alarm bells should be
ringing about what does it mean that there is no justice in terms of
accountability? This is now a party that’s completely — I’m speaking
about the Republican Party here in case that wasn’t clear — willing and
proving able to throw out whatever norms existed, whatever semblance of
democracy, declaring any election they don’t win illegitimate and
positioning through gerrymandering massive voter suppression laws to
guarantee that legally, but preparing to carry it out either way..."
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