From Governor Ned Lamont <[email protected]>
Subject John, CT legalized marijuana and made bold progress this year because of you
Date June 30, 2021 3:07 PM
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John, I want to discuss
what Democrats accomplished in this year’s legislative session,
but first I need to ask you about the Connecticut Democratic
Party’s major deadline tonight.

Can you donate
before midnight to help CT Democrats build a comprehensive voter
outreach program before the midterm elections? They’re a few
thousand dollars short of their goal, but with your help they’ll
reach it. (
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I’m reaching out because I know that you saw how much we were
able to achieve in the legislative session this year with our
Democratic House and Senate majorities.

Together we made Connecticut the 19th state to legalize
recreational marijuana, we took the next steps toward
implementing early voting and no-excuse absentee voting, and we
enacted a number of historic criminal justice reforms.

We passed an unprecedented new budget which includes a $2.3
billion surplus built in, and we did so with no tax increases —
in fact, taxes for the middle class and working families were

We also expanded health care coverage and funding for child care,
fully funded cities and towns, codified equal treatment under the
law to children born to same-sex couples, and much, much more.

But John, while we’ve
been busy building back a better Connecticut, Republicans across
the country have been focused on attacking voting rights as they
prepare for the midterms.

The Connecticut Democratic Party continues to work tirelessly to
mobilize all of the Democratic volunteers and organizers we have
in Connecticut to ensure that we continue succeeding in races big
and small all across our state, and they’re counting on your

If you can, donate
before tonight’s quarterly fundraising deadline to help
Connecticut Democrats mobilize votes for Democrats in the
midterms. (
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Thank you, John!

— Governor Ned Lamont
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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