Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

The vast majority of Texans in both political parties have long-supported ending taxpayer-funded lobbying, which is why it was a top priority for me this session. The Stop Taxpayer Funded Lobbying bill will do just that.

SB 10

Texans should not have to worry about their hard-earned money being allocated towards lobbyists advocating for causes they may not support.

The fact is these lobbyists often have NO connection to their community and may be working against the interests of those who will be impacted the most.

This isn't right. We can't let this continue in Texas.

Even though this bill passed the Texas Senate, it did not even get a vote on the floor of the Texas House. However, this will be among my top priorities this upcoming special session.

This critical reform is long overdue, and I will continue to fight for what's right in our great state.

Do you support Senate Bill 10 to stop taxpayer-funded lobbying in Texas? Take our poll.

God Bless You and God Bless Texas,

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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