Love AOC, Cori Bush, and Jamal Bowman?
Well, establishment and corporate Dems in Congress just teamed up to launch a new PAC to defeat progressive insurgent challengers like AOC, Bowman, and Bush in primaries.
According to NBC, the concern is that some on the "far left" are "drawing hard lines on issues like abortion, racial justice, and climate change."
Let that sink in.
Publicly, the establishment Dems say they are trying to protect Democrats "slim majority" against Republicans. But we're calling their bluff. They're lying.
Here's the proof:
One of the first two incumbents they've announced they'll "protect" from a Republican takeover represents a deep blue New York City district that hasn't elected a Republican to Congress since 1958 and voted for Biden over Trump 84% - 15% in 2020. In this district, the Democratic primary is the election.
The other incumbent represents the single most Democratic district in Illinois -- a Chicago district that voted for Biden over Trump by 86% - 12% in 2020 and last elected a Republican to Congress in 1946! The Chicago voters in this district would sooner vote to abolish deep-dish pizza than elect a Republican.
The establishment isn't protecting the Democratic majority. They are mad that in deep blue districts, progressives like AOC, Bowman, and Bush challenged people who gave breaks to big corporations, opposed equality for LGBTQ Americans, and led the anti-choice caucus in the House -- and won. Now, they are circling the wagons to stop a new wave of progressives from doing the same.
At best, they are protecting entrenched incumbents who have grown afraid of their own voters. At worst, they are denying progressive voters in overwhelmingly blue districts representation by people who deeply share their values and will fight for them as hard as AOC, Jamaal Bowman, and Cori Bush do.
Ultimately, this new PAC is the latest version of the establishment's failed 2019 "blacklist" to hurt progressive consultants and candidates. They failed then -- and we must make sure they fail again now.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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