TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Fairfax County Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, June 30, 7pm – 9pm Meeting for union members and community allies in Fairfax County. There will be a discussion of public employee collective bargaining with Taylor Holland, chief of staff to Chair Jeff McKay.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, July 1, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online.
Your Rights at Work and the New Minimum Wage: Thu, July 1, 2pm – 3pm
Register here.
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, July 1, 6pm – 7pm
Meeting of union members and community allies in Arlington
Dale City July 4th Parade - NoVA Labor Contingent: Sat, July 3, 8:15am – 12:00pm
8:15 am - 8:30 am Meet outside Mapledale Plaza Giant, 5469 Mapledale Plaza along Dale Boulevard; 8:45 - 9:00 am - Move to parade site and set up; 10:00 am - Parade starts. Wear your unions shirts and caps and bring your local's banner!
Letycia Pastrana CSA’s new Executive Director Letycia Pastrana has been selected as the new Executive Director at the MWC’s Community Services Agency. “We’re tremendously pleased to welcome Letycia, who brings an impressive set of skills and talents to the Community Services Agency,” said MWC president – and CSA Board Chair – Dyana Forester. “Letycia has extensive experience developing and executing community and economic development activities for vulnerable, diverse populations in need of resources,” said outgoing CSA ED Sonte DuCote. Pastrana has served as the Chief Operating Officer of Ella Austin Community Center in San Antonio, TX, developing and executing strategies in distressed communities while driving the financial stability for the organization. Previously, Pastrana spearheaded the Gwinnett Community Alliance, and she’s served on the boards of several charities and non-profit groups. She has a B.A. in Health Science from California State University and completed graduate course work at Arizona State University in Leadership Education. Pastrana starts July 1.
Arts Exchange rekindles the spirit of Solidarity Forever Joe Hill would have been proud. Four times over. Labor cartoonists Gary Huck and Mike Konopacki, the 2021 Joe Hill Award winners, were joined at this year’s Great Labor Arts Exchange by musicians Steve Jones and Ysaye Barnwell, who collected their 2020 Joe Hill Award, postponed due to the pandemic. Hosted by the Labor Heritage Foundation, the 42nd annual Great Labor Arts Exchange was held online June 17-20 as participants celebrated the culture and history of the labor movement. The theme of this year's conference was "Singing through the Hard Times" and the event was dedicated to the life and work of labor singer Anne Feeney (1951-2021). “Cartoons express the truth better than words because a cartoon has more to say about how people feel than how they think,” said Huck & Konopacki. “It is a form of graphic humor that helps to vent anger and frustration. And it does this through ridicule and laughter.” After receiving her award, Dr. Barnwell sang her signature song “More Than a Paycheck,” and Steve Jones played music from his first labor jazz opera, “Forgotten.” The Joe Hill award is named for the radical songwriter, labor activist and member of the Industrial Workers of the World. The Labor Heritage Foundation is a non-profit cultural and arts organization working to preserve the cultural heritage of America's workers. - Saul Schniderman
Today’s Labor Quote: IWW
“The working class and the employing class have nothing in common.”
From the preamble to the constitution of the Industrial Workers of the World, or IWW, founded in Chicago on this date in 1905.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Marvel Cooke, a Journalist for Working People. Last week’s show: Why America’s most radical union shut down ports on Juneteenth.
Alabama outlaws the leasing of convicts to mine coal, a practice that had been in place since 1848. In 1898, 73 percent of the state's total revenue came from this source. 25 percent of all black leased convicts died - 1928
The Walsh-Healey Act took effect today. It requires companies that supply goods to the government to pay wages according to a schedule set by the Secretary of Labor - 1936
The storied Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, a union whose roots traced back to the militant Western Federation of Miners, and which helped found the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), merges into the United Steelworkers of America - 1967
Up to 40,000 New York construction workers demonstrated in midtown Manhattan, protesting the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s awarding of a $33 million contract to a nonunion company - 1998
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall: 21 DC-area union jobs, plus click here for more listings!
Administrative Office Assistant III – Organizing & Field Services, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/24/2021) Administrative Support Specialist, UFCW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/22/2021)
Communications Social Media Specialist, CNA/NNU, may be based in Oakland, CA; Glendale, CA; or the Washington, D.C. area (one position, 3 possible locations) (Posted: 6/23/2021) Communications Coordinator – Bilingual Spanish/English, National COSH (National Council for Occupational Safety and Health), based out of Washington, DC – location is flexible (Posted: 6/25/2021) Senior Digital Communications Manager, SEIU, based in Washington, DC (may be worked remotely) (Posted: 6/24/2021) Digital Program Manager – Advertising, SEIU, based in Washington, DC (may be worked remotely) (Posted: 6/24/2021)
Legal Attorney, FEA (Federal Education Association), for covering the Pacific Region (may be based remotely anywhere in the US – will require travel to South Korea, Japan and/or Okinawa) (Posted: 6/22/2021)
Misc Program Specialist, AFGE, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/22/2021) Organizing Development & Recruitment Coordinator – Organizing & Field Services Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/22/2021) Assistant People Coordinator, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/22/2021) GiveGreen Development and Events Coordinator, LCV (League of Conservation Voters), based in Washington, DC (position is currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/25/2021) Junior ESG Analyst – CTW Investment Group, SOC (Strategic Organizing Center), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/25/2021) Program Officer III – Africa, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/23/2021) Program Officer III – Equality and Inclusion, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/23/2021) Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships, Worker Rights Consortium (posted 6/15)
Organizing Full-Time Organizer – Higher Education, AFT, can be based in various locations (Posted: 6/23/2021) Staff Organizer, GAGE (Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees – Local 06440, AFT), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/29/2021) Assistant Organizing Director, LIUNA-MAROC (Laborers' Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition), based in the Washington DC/Northern Virginia area; DC, MD, VA (Posted: 6/22/2021) Worker and Network Organizer, National COSH (National Council for Occupational Safety and Health), based out of Washington, DC – location is flexible (Posted: 6/25/2021) Campaign Manager, Worker Power Coalition, based in Washington, D.C. preferred (remote work from other locations within the US also acceptable) (Posted: 6/28/2021)
Political Managing Director for Civil, Human & Women's Rights – Political, Electoral & Issues Mobilization Hub, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/24/2021)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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