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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Conspiracy: Theory and Practice

Edward Snowden

Summit on Healing Attracts Crowd to Polyface Farm In Virginia

Ginny Garner

The Real Tax Scandal

Jeff Deist

How the Hungarian LGBTQI+ Are Instrumentalized by the European Union

Thierry Meyssan

FDA Reverses Itself: Rejects Covid Antibody Test Results; Insanity Reigns

Jon Rappoport

Dance Till We Die: Why Covid Security Theater Failed

Ari Schulman

The Gone Ones: Car Makes

Eric Peters

An American High Holy Day

Laurence M. Vance

George Orwell’s 1984 Has Become a Blueprint for Our Dystopian Reality

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

America’s Descent into Totalitarianism

Paul Craig Roberts

Slowly Lifting the Fog

Bionic Mosquito

Why Children Should Not Receive the Covid Shot

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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