Dominion should be banned nationwide.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Maricopa County Says Voting Machines Subpoenaed For 2020 Election Audit Won’t Be Used In Future
Dominion should be banned nationwide.

Maricopa County Says Voting Machines Subpoenaed For 2020 Election Audit Won't Be Used In Future

By: Conservative Brief, June 28, 2021:

Maricopa County officials announced on Monday that voting ...

MORE LIES: The Defund The Police White House And Democrats Are Now Saying GOP Wants to Defund Police
By G-d, the democrats despise the American people and clearly thinks we are morons.

White House Tries Peddling Story that GOP Wants to Defund Police

The Left knows how unpopular "defund the police" is.

So now Jen Psaki says Republicans ...

As Biden’s Dementia Worsens, What’s Next?
If the Democrats has taught us one thing it's – it can always get worse. And under their stolen regime, it will.

If Joe Goes, What Next?

By Jack Cashill, The American Thinker, June 26, 2021:

Everywhere other than in Big Media ...

Iranian Missiles Strike US Base
Rest assured, dementia Joe will release another billion for more bombings.

Iranian-backed militias shell U.S. base in Syria

No casualties reported; Centcom warns of rising drone attacks on U.S. forces.

By: World Israel News Staff, June ...

DEMOCRAT TYRANNY: California Bans State Travel To Florida, 4 Other States
What country is this?

The Democrats are evil, mad with power. They must be stopped.

California bans state travel to Florida, 4 other states

By: Republican Daily, June 29, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California added five more ...

TRUMP PEACE: Israeli FM Lapid Lands in UAE On First Visit By Israeli Official Since Peace Deal
The Israeli delegation flew over Saudi Arabia to reach the UAE. A flight that would have been impossible prior to the presidency of President Trump. President Trump performed miracles in the Middle East. That is because President Trump would not ...

China ‘Appoints Military Bio Weapon Expert To Take Over Secretive Virus Lab In Wuhan’
Bad meets worse.

We are in a new era warfare, bio-warfare. And the Democrat ruling machine is aiding, abetting, and funding the bio-weaponry program of communist China and worse still, refusing to investigate the lab origins of the COVID ...

TRUMP PEACE: Bahrain formally appoints its first ambassador to Israel
More miracles from the Trump Middle East peace.

#BREAKING: Bahrain has officially appointed Khaled Yousef al-Jalahmah to serve as the Gulf state's first-ever ambassador to #Israel.

How beautiful is peace in the Middle East?! ...

Islamo-leftism and extreme Jew-hatred within the the Marxist “Movement for Black Lives”
Morton Klein, the director of ZOA, the Zionist Organization of America, whom I know well and with whom I had the pleasure of having lunch at an American Freedom Alliance meeting in Los Angeles, has just published an important article denouncing ...

Transgender Crowned Miss Nevada USA For First Time In Pageant History
Like women's sports, women and girls getting screwed again by the left – and being told it's good for them by treacherous, anti-women feminists.

Transgender woman is crowned Miss Nevada USA

By: Sara Carter, Jun 29, 2021

For the first ...

Princeton Boasts New Class Is 68% “Of Color” After Waiving SAT Score Requirement
Yale-cum-DeVry University.

The left's march of ruin and destruction of America's once-great institutions continues apace.

Princeton Boasts New Class Is 68% “Of Color” After Waiving SAT Score Requirement

By: Chrissy Clark • Daily ...

BOMBSHELL: Fauci, Big Tech, Democrats and Wuhan Colluded, All In it Together
Remember, Geller Report was reporting on the lab origins well over a year ago. Democrat cover-up.

APRIL 2020: Coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab in bungled attempt to upstage US scientists

APRIL 2020: Wuhan lab was performing coronavirus ...

Democrats Blasted As Thousands Of Cops Resign Amid Crime Wave: ‘Taking A Toll On Our Communities’
Why would anyone want to be a police officer in America? Most especially in Democrat-run cities, where the police are often vilified and defamed for doing this incredibly dangerous job. And the pay sucks.

Democrats haven’t just defunded the ...

Muslim Students at Western U: “Remove All Pro-Zionist Narrative From Campus”
Islamic Jew-hatred is a central tenet of Islam. How many Jews have to die in order to discuss this racist war doctrine?

Muslim Students at Western U: “Remove all pro-Zionist narrative from campus”

By: Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. ...

‘Economic Freedom Index’ Shows The United States Posting Worst Performance Ever
The poison fruit of a stolen election.

‘Economic Freedom Index’ Shows The United States Posting Worst Performance Ever Every year, the Heritage Foundation’s “Index of Economic Freedom” ranks countries according to their friendliness ...

TRUMP PEACE: Hatikvah Played in Qatar After Israeli Gymnast Wins Gold
If only the election hadn't been stolen. What might have been? What a tragedy.

The Trump presidency was a miracle. MIRACLE.

First of many

— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) June 27, 2021

Before the ...


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