You and Public Citizen are doing so much essential work together.
I wanted to update you on where things stand with three of our most critical campaigns.
Last week, every Republican in the United States Senate — every single one — voted against simply beginning debate on the For the People Act.
The For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1/S.1) is landmark legislation that would protect voting rights, end partisan gerrymandering, stop billionaires from buying elections, and more.
By weaponizing the filibuster against democracy itself, Senate Republicans have made it clear that Senate Democrats must be prepared to set aside or work around the filibuster to pass this desperately-needed legislation.
In coalition with allied organizations, Public Citizen will be a leader over the days and weeks ahead as Americans across the country raise their voices even louder in a powerful demand to safeguard our democracy by passing the For the People Act.
- We will help organize in-district actions around the country during the upcoming congressional recess.
- We will be part of an intensive lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill.
- We will generate tens of thousands of petitions and letters to senators.
- We will work with allies on the ground in West Virginia, Arizona, and other states — and activate our members in those states — so that the imperative to defend democracy gets through to key senators loud and clear.
- And we are looking to mobilize thousands to march in Washington, D.C., as the For the People Act comes to a head later this summer.
Our nation stands at a crossroads. Will we allow the forces of racism and plutocracy to eviscerate our democracy? Or will we demand the transformative policies necessary to protect it?
Well, I can tell you that Public Citizen has no intention of letting democracy be smothered on our watch.
Big Tech — including Amazon, Facebook, and Google — has far too much influence over our culture, our economy, and even our elections.
That’s why Public Citizen is committed to driving forward the most sweeping anti-monopoly legislation in memory, focused on Big Tech.
Last week, a key congressional committee approved legislation that would break up the Big Tech companies, prevent them from discriminating against or taking over competitors, and empower consumers to exert control over their personal data.
Public Citizen provided invaluable behind-the-scenes assistance as Congress formulated the legislation. And, as the campaign to rein in Big Tech moves forward, we will:
- Bring our lobbying acumen (now a half-century strong) to bear on Capitol Hill.
- Publish hard-hitting exposés on Big Tech's campaign to distort the debate and preserve its destructive monopoly.
- Generate reports, videos, and social media content that lays out how Big Tech monopolies enable a surveillance society that undermines our privacy and autonomy, hurts workers, and is bad for small businesses.
- Mobilize widespread, nationwide public demand for action.
The Tech Titans and their billionaire CEOs are out of control. Public Citizen sees it as our mission to be a powerful force working to rein them in before they realize their fantasy of completely taking over every aspect of all our lives.
The coronavirus pandemic is beginning to come under control in the United States. But globally, it continues to rage, with no plan to bring it to an end.
As long as the pandemic continues around the world, there is more of a chance for new variants to emerge that are resistant to the existing vaccines and that will make their way back to the United States.
Public Citizen is leading the way to make sure there is enough vaccine for the whole world and to make sure that Big Pharma’s greed doesn’t stand in the way.
- We will push for Congress to allocate $25 billion to end the pandemic worldwide within a year.
- We will engage with global leaders to insist on the sharing of vaccine know-how and technology so that every human being can be vaccinated.
- We will win a waiver at the World Trade Organization on patents and related rules that prioritize drug company monopolies over vaccine availability.
While there’s an understandable temptation to want to put the coronavirus behind us, Public Citizen is not going to rest -- because the pandemic will not be over, people will not truly be safe, and economies will remain at risk until COVID-19 is under control everywhere.
OK, that was a quick(ish) update on three particularly important campaigns. Of course, that’s only a fraction of what you and Public Citizen are doing together.
It’s kind of hard to believe, but with just a few days left in the month of June, we are nearly halfway through 2021 already.
Which means we have to take stock — not just of the work we’re doing (a sample of which I’ve outlined above), but also of the resources we have to power that work going forward.
To put Public Citizen on solid footing for the work we need to do together in the second half of this very challenging year, we need to raise $25,000 in online donations in the next three days.
To help, a group of longtime supporters will match anything you contribute right now dollar-for-dollar. If you can, please donate while this dollar-for-dollar match is in effect.
Contribute now.
Even better, sign up now to be a Monthly Donor (if you haven’t already) and your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar every month for one full year!
Thank you for anything you can chip in today.
And thank you for everything you do as part of Public Citizen.
For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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