
“You don’t belong here.” “You’re not one of us.” “Go back to where you came from.” These are racist comments Black and Brown people have heard our whole lives, and now we’re hearing it directly from the highest office in the land.

On Monday, Trump announced that he’s ending asylum protections for nearly every migrant who arrives at the U.S.-Mexico border. If you don’t see the very real connection between Trump’s words and his policies, you’re not paying attention.

This president is doing his best to keep immigrants -- specifically those that don’t look like him -- out of our country. By effectively ending asylum at our southern border, Trump is reversing decades of U.S. policy governing how we treat refugees and putting countless lives in danger.

It’s a policy that’s not only immoral -- it’s illegal. And if we truly want to be a country that touts liberty and justice for all, we must stand against it.

A lot of people are rightfully talking about Trump’s tweets, but not enough people are talking about this policy. It needs your voice -- add your name to stand against Trump’s inhumane anti-immigrant policies.

Thanks, and let’s all remember: No matter what Donald Trump says, no human being is illegal.


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