Every day, tens of thousands of people rely on Common Dreams for news. Over the years, countless tens of millions have visited our website.
But did you know that of those millions of readers, fewer than 1% have ever made a donation?
As a nonprofit independent news outlet, we are absolutely dependent on reader donations to fund our operations, and with just a few days left in our Mid-Year Campaign, we are still $33,000 short of our goal.
If everyone who visited Common Dreams supported our work with just $1 or $2, we’d be all set with plenty to spare. But that’s not going to happen, so we’re asking you to be one of those special readers who step up and keep us going. It doesn’t need to be much—every gift is valued and makes a huge difference.
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We understand that many of our readers live paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to give. Tens of millions of Americans living in poverty are forced to choose every day between necessities like food for their family, rent, medication, or gas to get to work. If that’s you, please, save your money.
In 24 years of publication, we have never accepted a dime in corporate advertising, and we never will. We refuse to put our journalism behind a paywall and charge a subscription, because that would undermine our entire mission to inform, inspire, and ignite change for the common good. And we can only do that because of you.
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