Friend, we’re in real danger of falling short of our end-of-quarter FEC goal tomorrow – and Sen. Blumenthal is counting on you to chip in now to get us back on track.

Here’s why falling short is not an option: If Democrats lose even a single Senate seat, Mitch McConnell and the GOP will once again call the shots. That means we’ll have zero opportunity to pass bold infrastructure investments, to preserve and expand voting rights, to tackle the epidemic of gun violence, or to protect women’s healthcare. There is too much at stake. This chance for progress after four years of Donald Trump is too necessary and too vital to fail.

That’s why your support today is so critical. The campaign arm of the Senate GOP – controlled by Mitch McConnell – is already targeting Sen. Blumenthal for defeat. To protect this seat and defend Democratic control of the Senate, we’re counting on grassroots activists like you to pitch in now.

With our fundraising numbers going public shortly and only one day left to reach our goal, we risk being outpaced by the GOP's megadonors. So if you can, will you please rush a donation of $5 or more now to help Sen. Blumenthal hit this FEC fundraising goal, protect this must-win seat, and ensure Democratic control of the Senate?

Thank you for chipping in to support our grassroots movement and keep the Senate in Democratic control.

Team Blumenthal

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