People For Member, The powerful movement-building work that People For has led over these past few months is all thanks to the support of members like you. Now, as we’re about to close the books on the first half of 2021, I’m writing to ask that you continue your steadfast support at this absolutely critical time … because the fights that we’re leading right now will determine the future of our democracy. People For is mobilizing all of its networks – from our Young Elected Officials Network to our African American Ministers – and activists across the country to Defend the Black Vote … to break the Senate filibuster and pass the For the People Act … to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act … and to end the injustice that residents of our nation’s capital do not have a real voice in our government by making Washington, DC the 51st state. Through a People For initiative specially crafted to meet some of the biggest civil rights challenges of our day, we’re leading the way on innovative reforms in public safety to put an end to police killings and weed out authoritarian cops. And, of course, as we near the six-month anniversary of the January 6 Trump insurrection at the US Capitol, our researchers are uncovering details and exposing Far Right leaders’ connections to the attack while our field and policy teams are working tirelessly to hold insurrectionists and other extremists accountable. We’re also building the programs now that will be needed to stop the Far Right from taking over Congress in next year’s midterm elections and gearing up to once again go all-in on the incredibly important elections coming up this year in Virginia. You only need to look at the unprecedented wave of voter suppression laws being pushed by far-right state legislatures across the country to see how important state-level elections are in the fight to defend our democracy. In states like Georgia, Texas, Florida, and Arizona, far-right governors are rushing to sign Jim Crow-style voter suppression bills into law. But anti-voter bills by Far Right-controlled state legislatures have passed in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as well … the difference is that those states have Democratic governors who have pledged to veto those bills. Now, just imagine if all of these crucial battleground states had progressive majorities in their legislatures dedicated to protecting the rights of voters and making elections fairer more accessible… This is a pivotal moment for democracy and the freedom to vote. We, as People For the American Way, need to continue to stand together and meet the urgency of this moment. In addition to being an incredibly busy month of organizing and movement building, June also marked my one-year anniversary as president of People For the American Way. I’m proud of all we have done together to defeat Trump and everything else we’ve accomplished in the past year. And I am so grateful to you and our more than a million supporters nationwide for being such a vital part of our progressive movement. Thank you for everything. Democracy needs defenders. So let’s keep fighting. -- Ben Jealous, President