
I’ll be brief because the stakes for our Biblical values in Texas are at an all-time high right now. And we're standing ready in the Frontline to protect those values!

We are in the midst of a defining moment for the future of Christian values in Texas.

I know we have mentioned it a few times recently, but it bears repeating: I have never seen an assault on our foundational freedoms like the one we are experiencing during these unprecedented and unpredictable times.

Abusive government officials are no longer trying to hide their hostility towards people of faith like you and me. They are using this past year’s string of crises as a license to openly attack the very foundation of our country, the first freedom in our Constitution—religious liberty. Including attacks on the family and life!

Make no mistake: if they had their way, your constitutional right to freely live out your faith, protect life, or the safety of family would be gone tomorrow. Those promoting chaos and fear don’t want you to keep your freedom. It gets in their way. 

We refuse to let this happen on our watch. We refuse to let the enemies of faith take advantage of this pivotal moment.

But we can’t win this fight without the support of faithful friends like you, John.

And with just one day left until our fiscal year-end, we need you to stand with us right now. One of the easiest ways to help Texas Values is to become a monthly supporter, or Frontline Friend, of Texas Values.  Frontline Friends give on a monthly basis to Texas Values, bringing you in and making you part of the frontline with us on the battlefield. By donating just $1 a day ($30 a month), $2 a day ($60 a month), or just $4 a day ($120 per month) you can become a Frontline Friend!


Texas Values has been at the forefront of this fight from the very beginning, protecting churches and houses of worship all over the state from a host of blatantly anti-Christian attacks. And with the Texas Legislature holding a Special Session, the future of religious liberty and family protections hangs in the balance. 

We must rise to the challenge together to meet this moment head-on and overcome it! Become a Frontline Friend today! 

Some of the Frontline Friend benefits include a Texas Values Frontline Friends coin, exclusive updates for Frontline Friends, and special invitations and pricing to select events.

Would you join us in rising to this moment, John? 

Perhaps you already are a monthly supporter of Texas Values, please consider enhancing your support, giving us more ammunition to fight back with! We’re less than 36 hours away from our fiscal year-end, and your gifts are urgently needed to replenish our resources for the litany of issues with the Texas Legislative Special Session and legal battles ahead—both in 2021 and beyond.

Like the coin you will receive as a Frontline Friend, we are telling the radical Left to "Come and Take It"! Together, we will reverse this current wave of hostility, and preserve the foundational principles of Texas for future generations. 

Let’s seize this moment together, as a Fronline Friend!

God Bless, 

Joseph Walter
Development Associate, Texas Values

P.S. If you would be interested in more advanced ways to help continue the work of Texas Values, you can click here to learn more about more powerful ways to enhance your giving to Texas Values.

900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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