Urgent update from the Sixth Circuit Court.


The Biden-Harris Administration is fighting back against Gun Owners of America.

They successfully petitioned the Sixth Circuit Court to VACATE their ruling in our lawsuit against the ATF that determined that bump stocks are NOT machine guns.

You better believe that we will keep fighting to stop Biden and Kamala from shredding our God-given rights.

But anti-gunners are going to use the upcoming quarterly deadline with the Federal Election Commission to raise millions to try and beat us in court.

You are our only hope of marshaling the necessary resources to fight back and deliver another victory for gun-owning patriots across America.

Please make a contribution to our 2A Protection Fund before 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT as our legal battle against the Biden-Harris Administration’s ATF rages on.







While we are proudly fighting to protect the rights of the HALF A MILLION American citizens who owned bump stocks, this case has even greater implications…

This case will decide whether a federal agency like the ATF can unconstitutionally write regulations that conflict with congressional law and even threaten to put people in jail for failing to follow the agency’s dictates.

Winning this case would also deal a massive blow to the “Chevron deference,” which compels federal courts to defer to interpretations made by unelected bureaucrats at federal agencies if ever a congressional law is “ambiguous.”

At a time when the rights of God-fearing, liberty-loving individuals across America are being trampled upon daily, we need to rein in the federal government before it’s too late.

Gun Owners of America has been the first and ONLY gun advocacy group in America to deliver a win on the issue of bump stocks.

But I want to be clear. Our victories are never won on all our own, John.

We owe our victories to grassroots donors like you who stand by our side to defend our God-given rights.

That’s why I’m asking for your support now that the Biden-Harris Administration has shown that they will not go down without a fight.

So please, make a contribution to our 2A Protection Fund before 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT as our legal battle against the Biden-Harris Administration’s ATF rages on.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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