
The importance of electing prochoice leaders couldn’t be clearer.

While we have extreme attacks on abortion access in Texas, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania (to name just a few), President Biden just released a budget without the discriminatory Hyde Amendment, and GOP leaders are rallying to reinstate it.

Who we elect determines our rights and the lives our children inherit. Your support of #VOTEPROCHOICE goes directly to helping prochoice candidates run and win their races. Can you help tip the balance towards a prochoice future by chipping in today?


Here’s why eliminating the Hyde Amendment would be a huge deal: it bans federal funding for abortion, harming thousands of low-income and marginalized people across the country.

And this was absolutely by design. Congressman Henry Hyde, the amendment’s author said:

“I certainly would like to prevent, if I could legally, anybody having an abortion, a rich woman, a middle-class woman, or a poor woman. Unfortunately, the only vehicle available is the…Medicaid bill.”
Your bodily autonomy and family planning decisions should not be made based on how much money you have or what some out of touch or anti-choice lawmaker thinks.

And it’s long overdue that we end the Hyde Amendment and strike down unconstitutional laws that deny us reproductive health care.

Donate today to help us elect a new wave of prochoice leaders.

Thanks for all you do!

Be bold, end Hyde,
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#VOTEPROCHOICE is electing a new class of prochoice champions to fight for our autonomy to control our own bodies. Every elected official must protect reproductive freedom. If you want to support our work to elect prochoice champions at every level and empower prochoice voters to elect candidates who truly represent our values of full personal body autonomy, please make a contribution today!

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