From Richard Blumenthal <[email protected]>
Subject John, my Republican colleagues want to block all progress
Date June 29, 2021 8:02 PM
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John, I’m proud of what
Democrats have accomplished so far this year and I’m determined
to address all of the crises we face as a nation — from
protecting voting rights and preventing gun violence, to
rebuilding our infrastructure and addressing the climate crisis.

But as you may know, Democratic control of the Senate hangs by a
thread. And our numbers in the House were weakened in 2020. We
have a tremendous delegation representing Connecticut in
Washington, with all members of the House and Senate dedicated,
motivated, and determined to fight for our state and the American

To keep this progress going, I’ll be depending on the incredible
organizing infrastructure of the Connecticut Democratic Party to
help me defend Democrats’ U.S. Senate majority in the 2022

Can you donate
before June ends to help the CT Democratic Party reach their
$20,000 goal? I know you’re receiving a lot of fundraising asks
this week, but it’s because the stakes are so high and we can’t
win these fights without your help. (
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Most Americans want to see our voting rights expanded —
unfortunately, my Republican colleagues in the Senate refused to
allow voting rights to even be debated this month.

They’re exploiting the filibuster to block all progress because
they think stopping President Biden’s popular agenda is their
best chance to win in the midterms.

Connecticut Democrats are counting on you to help organize
against the GOP’s voter suppression efforts — if you can, chip in
now to ensure CT Dems can expand their voter outreach work in the
leadup to the midterms elections. (
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Thank you,

Senator Richard Blumenthal
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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