Dear Partner for Human Dignity,

Announcing a Major Victory You Made Possible...

Google Will Now Default All K–12 Chromebooks and Products to Safety!

Global Tech Giant Google just announced major changes to make Chromebook devices safer for K–12 students—a move that will impact millions of kids worldwide! NCOSE and our partners have been fighting for this change over the past several years, ramping up efforts during the past year of forced virtual schooling.

Late last week, our contacts at Google shared that they will be implementing several of our suggestions for making Chromebooks and Google Education products safer for students—a years-long campaign many of you joined with us leading to real policy changes that will impact thousands of youth!

Changes to Celebrate

As of September 1, 2021, the following settings on Google Chromebooks and products for K–12 will be Defaulted to Safety for all under the age of 18.*

  • Safe Search: ON 

  • Enable Guest Browsing: OFF 

  • Incognito Mode: OFF 

  • SafeSites: ON (blocking explicit URLs)

Google is also launching a new age-based access setting, making it easier for school administrators to tailor the experience for users for services like YouTube, Photos, and Maps. As of September 1, students under 18 will see changes in their Google products.

*Can only be changed with administrative privileges.

Thank You! Now, Let's Thank Google! 

Congratulations, Partners! This change took hundreds of organizations uniting from around the globe and thousands of concerned citizens raising their voices with dedicated perseverance to get Google to finally #Default2Safety for our kids. 

Thank you for not giving up!

Reply to my video announcement and join the celebration!

What's Next?

1. Don’t forget, our fiscal year end deadline is tomorrow, June 30th! Please give what you can today to help us continue the charge for online child safety.

2. We want to hear from you! Let me know your thoughts on this groundbreaking shift with Google! Reply with video, audio, or text here.

3. Get ready to help move Apple to follow in Google’s steps! Stay tuned for that action. 


With appreciation,  

Dawn Hawkins



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